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Unsere Forscherinnen und Forscher setzen sich dafür ein, Abklärungen und Behandlungen von Problemen am Bewegungsapparat ständig zu verbessern. Sie erforschen Unbekanntes und gestalten damit die Medizin der Zukunft.

«Texture Analysis» bei der Tumordiagnose: Das Muster führt zur Diagnose

Moderne computergestützte Analysetechniken ermöglichen Mustererkennungen in Tumorgeweben, die mit blossem menschlichem Auge nicht erfassbar sind.


Prof. Dr. med. Christian W.A. Pfirrmann
Chefarzt Radiologie

Dr. med. Benjamin Fritz
Fellow Radiologie

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«Texture analysis», oder zu Deutsch Texturanalyse, beschreibt die computergestützte Analyse von Gewebestrukturen. Hierfür werden mittels radiologischer Verfahren hochauflösende Bilder der zu untersuchenden Körperregion angefertigt und mit entsprechender Computersoftware analysiert. Dabei kann die Texturanalyse prinzipiell auf jegliches bildgebende Verfahren angewendet werden, jedoch zeigten sich die vielversprechendsten Ergebnisse bisher bei der Analyse von Computertomographien und Kernspintomographien.

Die Texturanalyse beruht auf einer Vielzahl von mathematischen Algorithmen, die Muster von Gewebestrukturen charakterisieren, die für das menschliche Auge im Rahmen traditioneller Bildbegutachtung nicht erfassbar sind. Dies geschieht auf Basis der Graustufenverteilungen der Pixel bzw. Voxel eines Bildes. Die Gewebeeigenschaften werden dabei als Zahlenwert quantifiziert, was den Vergleich von unterschiedlichen Gewebearten ermöglicht.

Die Texturanalyse wurde mittlerweile auf diverse Gewebestrukturen angewendet, wobei insbesondere die Analyse von Tumorgewebe einen Mehrwert zur traditionellen radiologischen Bildbegutachtung und Diagnosefindung darstellt. Ein Schwerpunkt unserer Forschung liegt in der Erforschung des Nutzens der Texturanalyse zur Charakterisierung von chondrogenen Knochentumoren. Bei den chondrogenen Knochentumoren handelt es sich um eine Gruppe von Neoplasien, die ihren Ursprung in Knorpelzellen finden. Diese können sowohl gutartig als auch bösartig sein. Die gutartigen Tumoren sind dabei sehr häufig und finden sich hauptsächlich in den Händen, Füssen und langen Röhrenknochen. Die bösartigen Chondrosarkome sind dagegen deutlich seltener, stellen aber dennoch den zweithäufigsten bösartigen primären Knochentumor dar. Eine korrekte Klassifizierung dieser Tumoren ist jedoch mittels klassischer radiologischer Verfahren sehr schwierig, da die gutartigen und bösartigen chondrogenen Tumoren eine teils sehr ähnliche Morphologie aufweisen. Insbesondere die klinisch hochrelevante Unterscheidung von gutartigen chondrogenen Tumoren und den wenig aggressiven Chondrosarkomen sowie die Unterscheidung von wenig aggressiven und stark aggressiven Chondrosarkomen ist dabei schwierig. Da sich die Therapien zwischen diesen Untergruppen der chondrogenen Tumoren jedoch stark unterscheiden, ist eine adäquate Gradierung Voraussetzung für eine erfolgreiche Patientenbehandlung.

Unsere bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse konnten den Mehrwert der Texturanalyse zur Graduierung von chondrogenen Tumoren belegen. Dabei konnten Vorteile der Texturanalyse gegenüber klassischen radiologischen Evaluationen gezeigt werden, insbesondere in der Unterscheidung zwischen gutartigen chondrogenen Tumoren und wenig aggressiven Chondrosarkomen. Aufgrund eines komplementären Effektes der klassischen Bildgebung und Texturanalyse lässt sich jedoch die Diagnostik optimieren, wenn man Informationen beider Techniken kombiniert.

Prof. Dr. Mazda Farshad, Ärztlicher Direktor

Publikationen 2017

Unsere Forscherinnen und Forschen veröffentlichen regelmässig ihre neusten Erkenntnisse in verschiedenen Fachmagazinen. Nachfolgend finden Sie die Publikationen des vergangenen Jahres.

Orthopädische Klinik (inkl. Anästhesie, Chiropraktik, Radiologie und Rheumatologie)

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Agten CA, Honig S, Saha PK, Regatte R and Chang G; Subchondral bone microarchitecture analysis in the proximal tibia at 7-T MRI; Acta Radiologica; 2017:028418511773209

Agten CA, Jonczy M, Ullrich O, Pfirrmann CWA, Sutter R and Buck FM; Measurement of acetabular version based on biplanar radiographs with 3D reconstructions in comparison to CT as reference standard in cadavers; Clinical Anatomy; 2017; 30(5):591-8

Agten CA, Ramme AJ, Kang S, Honig S and Chang G; Cost-effectiveness of Virtual Bone Strength Testing in Osteoporosis Screening Programs for Postmenopausal Women in the United States; Radiology; 2017; 285(2):506-17

Agten CA, Rosskopf AB, Jonczy M, Brunner F, Pfirrmann CWA and Buck FM; Frequency of inflammatory-like MR imaging findings in asymptomatic fingers of healthy volunteers; Skeletal Radiology; 2017; 47(2):279-87

Agten CA, Sutter R, Dora C and Pfirrmann CWA; MR imaging of soft tissue alterations after total hip arthroplasty: comparison of classic surgical approaches; European Radiology; 2016; 27(3):1312-21

Aichmair A, Burgstaller JM, Schwenkglenks M, Steurer J, Porchet F, Brunner F and Farshad M; Cost-effectiveness of conservative versus surgical treatment strategies of lumbar spinal stenosis in the Swiss setting: analysis of the prospective multicenter Lumbar Stenosis Outcome Study (LSOS); European Spine Journal; 2016; 26(2):501-9

Aichmair A and Farshad M; Reply to the Letter to the Editor of M. Avellanal concerning: “Cost-effectiveness of conservative versus surgical treatment strategies of lumbar spinal stenosis in the Swiss setting: analysis of the prospective multicenter Lumbar Stenosis Outcome Study (LSOS)” by A. Aichmair et al. (Eur Spine J; 2016. doi:10.1007/s00586-016-4937-y); European Spine Journal; 2017; 26(4):1318-9

Aichmair A, Moser M, Bauer MR, Bachmann E, Snedeker JG, Betz M and Farshad M; Pull-out strength of patient-specific template-guided vs. free-hand fluoroscopically controlled thoracolumbar pedicle screws: a biomechanical analysis of a randomized cadaveric study; European Spine Journal; 2017

Anagnostopoulos A, Bossard DA, Ledergerber B, Zingg PO, Zinkernagel AS, Gerber C and Achermann Y; Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Has No Effect on Time to Positivity and Proportion of Positive Samples: a Cohort Study of 64 Cutibacterium acnes Bone and Joint Infections; Journal of Clinical Microbiology; 2017; 56(2):e01576-17

Annen M, Peterson C and Humphreys BK; Comparison of treatment outcomes in non-specific low-back pain patients with and without Modic changes that receive chiropractic treatment; J Manipulative Physiol Ther. ; 2018; accepted

Baettig SJ, Wieser K and Gerber C; Determinants of patient satisfaction following reconstructive shoulder surgery; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; 2017; 18(1)

Bauer DE, Hingsammer A, Ernstbrunner L, Aichmair A, Rosskopf AB, Eckers F, Wieser K and Fucentese SF; Total knee arthroplasty in patients with a history of illicit intravenous drug abuse; International Orthopaedics; 2017; 42(1):101-7

Bauer DE, Zimmermann S, Aichmair A, Hingsammer A, Schweizer A, Nagy L and Fürnstahl P; Conventional Versus Computer-Assisted Corrective Osteotomy of the Forearm: a Retrospective Analysis of 56 Consecutive Cases; The Journal of Hand Surgery; 2017; 42(6):447-55

Becker S, Gandhi W, Chen YJ and Schweinhardt P; Subjective utility moderates bidirectional effects of conflicting motivations on pain perception; Scientific Reports; 2017; 7(1)

Becker S, Gandhi W, Pomares F, Wager TD and Schweinhardt P; Orbitofrontal cortex mediates pain inhibition by monetary reward; Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience; 2017:nsw173

Benninger E, Meier C, Wirth S, Koch PP and Meyer D; Effect of Mirrored Views on Endoscopic and Arthroscopic Skill Performance; Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine; 2017; 5(2):232596711668506

Bensler S, Agten CA, Pfirrmann CWA and Sutter R; Osseous spurs at the fovea capitis femoris—a frequent finding in asymptomatic volunteers; Skeletal Radiology; 2017; 47(1):69-77

Bensler S, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CWA and Peterson CK; Is there a difference in treatment outcomes between epidural injections with particulate versus non-particulate steroids?; European Radiology; 2016; 27(4):1505-11

Bensler S, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CWA and Peterson CK; Particulate versus non-particulate corticosteroids for transforaminal nerve root blocks: Comparison of outcomes in 494 patients with lumbar radiculopathy; European Radiology; 2017; 28(3):946-52

Berli M, Vlachopoulos L, Leupi S, Böni T and Baltin C; Treatment of Charcot Neuroarthropathy and osteomyelitis of the same foot: a retrospective cohort study; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; 2017; 18(1)

Betz M, Burgstaller JM, Held U, Andreisek G, Steurer J, Porchet F and Farshad M; Influence of Paravertebral Muscle Quality on Treatment Efficacy of Epidural Steroid Infiltration or Surgical Decompression in Lumbar Spinal Stenosis—Analysis of the Lumbar Spinal Outcome Study (LSOS) Data; SPINE; 2017; 42(23):1792-8

Blumenthal S, Zbinden R, Mandic S, Rust CA, Aguirre J and Borgeat A; Influence of skin disinfection prior removal of perineural catheter on bacterial colonization, contamination and local inflammation: a prospective randomized study; Minerva Anestesiol; 2017

Bolt D, Giger R, Wirth S and Swanenburg J; Step-Down Test Assessment of Postural Stability in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability; Journal of Sport Rehabilitation; 2018; 27(1)

Bouaicha S; [Shoulder cartilage regeneration : Indications, possibilities, surgical implementation]; Orthopade; 2017; 46(11):914-8

Bouaicha S, Jentzsch T, Scheurer F and Rahm S; Validation of an Arthroscopic Training Device; Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery; 2017; 33(3):651-8.e1

Brunner F; [Complex regional pain syndrome]; Z Rheumatol; 2017; 76(4):335-47

Brunner F; CRPS !? – Wann daran denken und erste Massnahmen; Rheuma Schweiz; 2017; 3:8-9

Brunner F, Bachmann LM, Perez RSGM, Marinus J and Wertli MM; Painful swelling after a noxious event and the development of complex regional pain syndrome 1: A one-year prospective study; European Journal of Pain; 2017; 21(9):1611-7

Camu F, Borgeat A, Heylen RJ, Viel EJ, Boye ME and Cheung RY; Parecoxib, propacetamol, and their combination for analgesia after total hip arthroplasty: a randomized non-inferiority trial; Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica; 2016; 61(1):99-110

Carrillo F, Vlachopoulos L, Schweizer A, Nagy L, Snedeker J and Fürnstahl P; A Time Saver: Optimization Approach for the Fully Automatic 3D Planning of Forearm Osteotomies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing;2017;488-96.

Casartelli NC, Brunner R, Maffiuletti NA, Bizzini M, Leunig M, Pfirrmann CW and Sutter R; The FADIR test accuracy for screening cam and pincer morphology in youth ice hockey players; Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport; 2018; 21(2):134-8

Dietrich M, Kabelitz M, Dora C and Zingg PO; Perioperative Fractures in Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the Direct Anterior Minimally Invasive Approach: Reduced Risk With Short Stems; The Journal of Arthroplasty; 2018; 33(2):548-54

Dietrich TJ, Agten CA, Fürnstahl P, Vlachopoulos L and Pfirrmann CWA; The Legend of the Luschka Tubercle and Its Association With Snapping Scapulae: Osseous Morphology of Snapping Scapulae on CT Images; American Journal of Roentgenology; 2017; 209(1):159-66

Do T, Sutter R, Skornitzke S and Weber M-A; CT and MRI Techniques for Imaging Around Orthopedic Hardware; RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren; 2017; 190(01):31-41

Eckers F, Bauer DE, Hingsammer A, Sutter R, Brand B, Viehöfer A and Wirth SH; Mid- to long-term results of total ankle replacement in patients with haemophilic arthropathy: A 10-year follow-up; Haemophilia; 2017

Ernstbrunner L, Hingsammer A, Catanzaro S, Sutter R, Brand B, Wieser K and Fucentese SF; Long-term results of total knee arthroplasty in haemophilic patients: an 18-year follow-up; Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy; 2016; 25(11):3431-8

Ernstbrunner L, Hingsammer A, Imam MA, Sutter R, Brand B, Meyer DC and Wieser K; Long-term results of total elbow arthroplasty in patients with hemophilia; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 2018; 27(1):126-32

Ernstbrunner L, Imam MA, Andronic O, Perz T, Wieser K and Fucentese SF; Lateral unicompartmental knee replacement: a systematic review of reasons for failure; International Orthopaedics; 2017

Ernstbrunner L, Suter A, Catanzaro S, Rahm S and Gerber C; Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty for Massive, Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears Before the Age of 60 Years; The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; 2017; 99(20):1721-9

Farshad M, Betz M, Farshad-Amacker NA and Moser M; Accuracy of patient-specific template-guided vs. free-hand fluoroscopically controlled pedicle screw placement in the thoracic and lumbar spine: a randomized cadaveric study; European Spine Journal; 2016; 26(3):738-49

Farshad M, Sutter R and Hoch A; Severity of foraminal lumbar stenosis and the relation to clinical symptoms and response to periradicular infiltration—introduction of the “melting sign”; The Spine Journal; 2018; 18(2):294-9

Farshad M, Winkler E and Betz M; Anterior Surgical Treatment Of Scoliosis In A Patient With Loeys Dietz Syndrome; Journal of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2017; 1(7):1-5

Fasel B, Spörri J, Schütz P, Lorenzetti S and Aminian K; An Inertial Sensor-Based Method for Estimating the Athlete's Relative Joint Center Positions and Center of Mass Kinematics in Alpine Ski Racing; Frontiers in Physiology; 2017; 8

Fasel B, Spörri J, Schütz P, Lorenzetti S and Aminian K; Validation of functional calibration and strap-down joint drift correction for computing 3D joint angles of knee, hip, and trunk in alpine skiing; PLOS ONE; 2017; 12(7):e0181446

Flück M, Ruoss S, Möhl CB, Valdivieso P, Benn MC, von Rechenberg B, Laczko E, Hu J, Wieser K, Meyer DC and Gerber C; Genomic and lipidomic actions of nandrolone on detached rotator cuff muscle in sheep; The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 2017; 165:382-95

Foolen J, Wunderli SL, Loerakker S and Snedeker JG; Tissue alignment enhances remodeling potential of tendon-derived cells - Lessons from a novel microtissue model of tendon scarring; Matrix Biology; 2018; 65:14-29

Franchi MV, Longo S, Mallinson J, Quinlan JI, Taylor T, Greenhaff PL and Narici MV; Muscle thickness correlates to muscle cross-sectional area in the assessment of strength training-induced hypertrophy; Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; 2017; 28(3):846-53

Franchi MV, Mitchell KW, Hoppeler H and Narici MV; Editorial: Physiology and Clinical Potential of Eccentric Exercise; Frontiers in Physiology; 2017; 8

Frimmel S, Theusinger O and Kniestedt C; Analysis of Ocular Firework-Related Injuries and Common Eye Traumata: a 5-year Clinical Study; Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde; 2017; 234(04):611-6

Fucentese SF; Patellofemoral Instability; Orthopäde; 2017

Gandhi W, Morrison I and Schweinhardt P; How Accurate Appraisal of Behavioral Costs and Benefits Guides Adaptive Pain Coping; Frontiers in Psychiatry; 2017; 8

Gautier L, Aufdenblatten C, Dierauer S, Ramseier L, Mazzone L, Huber H and Farshad M; Fractures of the Bilateral C2 Neurocentral and Lateral Dental Synchondroses with Kyphotic C1-C2 Subluxation in a 3-Year-Old Girl; JBJS Case Connector; 2017:1

Gautieri A, Passini FS, Silván U, Guizar-Sicairos M, Carimati G, Volpi P, Moretti M, Schoenhuber H, Redaelli A, Berli M and Snedeker JG; Advanced glycation end-products: Mechanics of aged collagen from molecule to tissue; Matrix Biology; 2017; 59:95-108

Gerber C, Catanzaro S, Betz M and Ernstbrunner L; Arthroscopic Correction of the Critical Shoulder Angle Through Lateral Acromioplasty: A Safe Adjunct to Rotator Cuff Repair; Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery; 2018; 34(3):771-80

Gerber C, Meyer DC, Flück M, Valdivieso P, von Rechenberg B, Benn MC and Wieser K; Muscle Degeneration Associated With Rotator Cuff Tendon Release and/or Denervation in Sheep; The American Journal of Sports Medicine; 2016; 45(3):651-8

Grieshaber-Bouyer R and Gerber C; Arthroscopic Repair of Recurrent Posterior Shoulder Subluxation After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty; JBJS Case Connector; 2017; 7(3):e71

Grieve S, Perez RSGM, Birklein F, Brunner F, Bruehl S, Harden RN, Packham T, Gobeil F, Haigh R, Holly J, Terkelsen A, Davies L, Lewis J, Thomassen I, Connett R, Worth T, Vatine J-J and McCabe CS; Recommendations for a first Core Outcome Measurement set for complex regional PAin syndrome Clinical sTudies (COMPACT); PAIN; 2017; 158(6):1083-90

Grubhofer F, Catanzaro S, Schüpbach R, Imam MA and Wirth S; Compressive Stockings After Hindfoot and Ankle Surgery; Foot & Ankle International; 2017; 39(2):210-8

Grubhofer F, Wieser K, Meyer DC, Catanzaro S, Schürholz K and Gerber C; Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty for failed open reduction and internal fixation of fractures of the proximal humerus; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 2017; 26(1):92-100

Gvozdenovic A, Boro A, Born W, Muff R and Fuchs B; A bispecific antibody targeting IGF-IR and EGFR has tumor and metastasis suppressive activity in an orthotopic xenograft osteosarcoma mouse model; Am J Cancer Res; 2017; 7(7):1435-49

Harden RN, Maihofner C, Abousaad E, Vatine J-J, Kirsling A, Perez RSGM, Kuroda M, Brunner F, Stanton-Hicks M, Marinus J, van Hilten JJ, Mackey S, Birklein F, Schlereth T, Mailis-Gagnon A, Graciosa J, Connoly SB, Dayanim D, Massey M, Frank H, Livshitz A and Bruehl S; A prospective, multisite, international validation of the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Severity Score; PAIN; 2017; 158(8):1430-6

Helle SCJ, Feng Q, Aebersold MJ, Hirt L, Gruter RR, Vahid A, Sirianni A, Mostowy S, Snedeker JG, Saric A, Idema T, Zambelli T and Kornmann B; Mechanical force induces mitochondrial fission; Elife; 2017; 6

Herschel R, Hasler A, Tscholl PM and Fucentese SF; Visual-palpatory versus fluoroscopic intraoperative determination of the femoral entry point in medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction; Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy; 2016; 25(8):2545-9

Herschel R, Wieser K, Morrey ME, Ramos CH, Gerber C and Meyer DC; Risk factors for glenoid erosion in patients with shoulder hemiarthroplasty: an analysis of 118 cases; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 2017; 26(2):246-52

Hirsiger S, Schweizer A, Miyake J, Nagy L and Fürnstahl P; Corrective Osteotomies of Phalangeal and Metacarpal Malunions Using Patient-Specific Guides: CT-Based Evaluation of the Reduction Accuracy; HAND; 2017:155894471772613

Holenstein CN, Silvan U and Snedeker JG; High-resolution traction force microscopy on small focal adhesions - improved accuracy through optimal marker distribution and optical flow tracking; Scientific Reports; 2017; 7:41633

Huber E, Lachappelle P, Sutter R, Curt A and Freund P; Are midsagittal tissue bridges predictive of outcome after cervical spinal cord injury?; Annals of Neurology; 2017; 81(5):740-8

Jaremko JL, Azmat O, Lambert RG, Bird P, Haugen IK, Jans L, Weber U, Winn N, Zubler V and Maksymowych WP; Validation of a Knowledge Transfer Tool for the Knee Inflammation MRI Scoring System for Bone Marrow Lesions According to the OMERACT Filter: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative; The Journal of Rheumatology; 2017; 44(11):1718-22

Jaremko JL, Azmat O, Lambert RGW, Bird P, Haugen IK, Jans L, Weber U, Winn N, Zubler V and Maksymowych WP; Validation of a Knowledge Transfer Tool According to the OMERACT Filter: Does Web-based Real-time Iterative Calibration Enhance the Evaluation of Bone Marrow Lesions in Hip Osteoarthritis?; The Journal of Rheumatology; 2017; 44(11):1713-7

Jentzsch T, Hasler A, Renner N, Peterhans M, Sutter R, Espinosa N and Wirth S; The V Sign in Lateral Talar Process Fractures; Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics; 2017; 2(3):2473011417S0002

Johl GL, Yelverton CJ and Peterson C; A Survey of the Scope of Chiropractic Practice in South Africa: 2015; Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics; 2017; 40(7):517-26

Jungmann PM, Agten CA, Pfirrmann CW and Sutter R; Advances in MRI around metal; Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 2017; 46(4):972-91

Jungmann PM, Welsch GH, Brittberg M, Trattnig S, Braun S, Imhoff AB and Salzmann GM; Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score and Classification System (AMADEUS) for Assessment of Preoperative Cartilage Defect Severity; CARTILAGE; 2016; 8(3):272-82

Jungwirth-Weinberger A, Grubhofer F, Imam MA, Bachmann E and Wirth S; Mechanical properties of Triclosan sutures; Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 2017

Karampinos DC, Holwein C, Buchmann S, Baum T, Ruschke S, Gersing AS, Sutter R, Imhoff AB, Rummeny EJ and Jungmann PM; Proton Density Fat-Fraction of Rotator Cuff Muscles Is Associated With Isometric Strength 10 Years After Rotator Cuff Repair: A Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of the Shoulder; The American Journal of Sports Medicine; 2017; 45(9):1990-9

Kaviani R and Eichenberger U; Periphere Regionalanästhesie zur perioperativen Analgesie; Therapeutische Umschau; 2017; 74(7):377-83

Kim C-HO, Dietrich TJ, Zingg PO, Dora C, Pfirrmann CWA and Sutter R; Arthroscopic Hip Surgery: Frequency of Postoperative MR Arthrographic Findings in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Patients; Radiology; 2017; 283(3):779-88

Kirrstetter AR, Brenig C, Gengenbacher M, Meier B, Ott A and Theiler R; [Experience in measuring the quality of treatment in interventional pain therapy : The Activity Index on a touchscreen PC]; Schmerz; 2017; 31(2):131-8

Knecht C, Humphreys BK and Wirth B; An Observational Study on Recurrences of Low Back Pain During the First 12 Months After Chiropractic Treatment; Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics; 2017; 40(6):427-33

Knols RH, Swanenburg J, De Bon D, Gennaro F, Wolf M, Krüger B, Bettex D and de Bruin ED; Investigating the Usability and Acute Effects of a Bedside Video Console to Prefrontal Cortical Activity Alterations: A Preclinical Study in Healthy Elderly; Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience; 2017; 11

Krappel F, Brayda-Bruno M, Alessi G, Remacle J-M, Lopez LA, Fernández JJ, Maestretti G and Pfirrmann CWA; Herniectomy versus herniectomy with the DIAM spinal stabilization system in patients with sciatica and concomitant low back pain: results of a prospective randomized controlled multicenter trial; European Spine Journal; 2016; 26(3):865-76

Laux CJ, Grubhofer F, Werner CML, Simmen HP and Osterhoff G; Current concepts in locking plate fixation of proximal humerus fractures; J Orthop Surg Res; 2017; 12(1):137

Llewellyn A, McCabe CS, Hibberd Y, White P, Davies L, Marinus J, Perez RGSM, Thomassen I, Brunner F, Sontheim C, Birklein F, Schlereth T, Goebel A, Haigh R, Connett R, Maihöfner C, Knudsen L, Harden RN, Zyluk A, Shulman D, Small H, Gobeil F and Moskovitz P; Are you better? A multi-centre study of patient-defined recovery from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; European Journal of Pain; 2017; 22(3):551-64

Lorenzana D and Eichenberger U; Ultraschall – eine Revolution in der Schmerztherapie?; Therapeutische Umschau; 2017; 74(5):269-75

Lundby C, Montero D, Gehrig S, Andersson Hall U, Kaiser P, Boushel R, Meinild Lundby AK, Kirk N, Valdivieso P, Flück M, Secher NH, Edin F, Hein T and Madsen K; Physiological, biochemical, anthropometric, and biomechanical influences on exercise economy in humans; Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; 2017; 27(12):1627-37

Mathews S, Burkhard M, Serrano N, Link K, Häusler M, Frater N, Franke I, Bischofberger H, Buck FM, Gascho D, Thali M, Serowy S, Müller-Gerbl M, Harper G, Qureshi F, Böni T, Bloch H-R, Ullrich O, Rühli F-J and Eppler E; Glenoid morphology in light of anatomical and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a dissection- and 3D-CT-based study in male and female body donors; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; 2017; 18(1)

Mauler F, Langguth C, Schweizer A, Vlachopoulos L, Gass T, Lüthi M and Fürnstahl P; Prediction of normal bone anatomy for the planning of corrective osteotomies of malunited forearm bones using a three-dimensional statistical shape model; Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 2017; 35(12):2630-6

Mauler F, Wanivenhaus F, Böni T and Berli M; Nonsurgical Treatment of Osteomyelitis of the Hallux Sesamoids: A Case Series and Literature Review; The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery; 2017; 56(3):666-9

Meier M, Vrana A, Swanenburg J, Seifritz E, Staempfli P, Wirth B, Valdivieso P, Humphreys B and Schweinhardt P; Chronischer Rückenschmerz - Erforschung struktureller und funktioneller Veränderungen im Gehirn; CME-FORTBILDUNG; 2017; 15

Meier ML, Stämpfli P, Humphreys BK, Vrana A, Seifritz E and Schweinhardt P; The impact of pain-related fear on neural pathways of pain modulation in chronic low back pain; PAIN Reports; 2017; 2(3):e601

Meyer D, Schweizer A and Nagy L; Anatomic Reconstruction of Distal Radioulnar Ligaments With Tendon Graft for Treating Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability; Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery; 2017; 21(3):107-13

Meyer DC, Aguirre JA, Wieser K, Fucentese SF, Wirth S, Gerber C and Rahm S; Intra-osseous local anaesthetic patellar pain catheter suppresses osteoarthritic patello-femoral pain; The Knee; 2017; 24(4):882-9

Meyer DC, Gerber C and Familiari F; Aquarium Portal Technique for PASTA Lesion Repair; Arthroscopy Techniques; 2017; 6(5):e1553-e7

Meyer N, Sutter R, Schirp U and Gutzeit A; Extensive intramuscular manifestation of sarcoidosis with initially missed diagnosis and delayed therapy: a case report; Journal of Medical Case Reports; 2017; 11(1)

Miletic I, Agten C, Sutter R, Pfirrmann C and Peterson C; Relationship of Radiographic Osteoarthritis Severity with Treatment Outcomes after Imaging-Guided Knee Injections: A Prospective Outcomes Study; RöFo - Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren; 2017; 190(02):134-43

Muehlemann MB, Peterson CK and Humphreys BK; Differences in Outcomes of Patients Treated by Male vs Female Chiropractors; Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics; 2017; 40(6):420-6

Mueller SM, Gehrig SM, Petersen JA, Frese S, Mihaylova V, Ligon-Auer M, Khmara N, Nuoffer JM, Schaller A, Lundby C, Toigo M and Jung HH; Effects of endurance training on skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in Huntington disease patients; Orphanet J Rare Dis; 2017; 12(1):184

Mueller SM, Herter-Aeberli I, Cepeda-Lopez AC, Flück M, Jung HH and Toigo M; The effect of body composition and serum inflammatory markers on the functional muscle–bone unit in premenopausal women; International Journal of Obesity; 2017; 41(8):1203-6

Nyffeler RW and Meyer DC; Acromion and glenoid shape: Why are they important predictive factors for the future of our shoulders?; EFORT Open Reviews; 2017; 2(5):141-50

Nyirö L, Peterson CK and Humphreys BK; Exploring the definition of «acute» neck pain: a prospective cohort observational study comparing the outcomes of chiropractic patients with 0–2 weeks, 2–4 weeks and 4–12 weeks of symptoms; Chiropractic & Manual Therapies; 2017; 25(1)

Oberhofer K; The influence of muscle-tendon forces on ACL loading during jump landing: a systematic review; Muscle, Ligaments and Tendons Journal; 2017; 7(1):125

Ozdemir F, Karani N, Fürnstahl P and Goksel O; Interactive segmentation in MRI for orthopedic surgery planning: bone tissue; International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery; 2017; 12(6):1031-9

Packham TL, Cappelleri JC, Sadosky A, MacDermid JC and Brunner F; Measurement properties of painDETECT: Rasch analysis of responses from community-dwelling adults with neuropathic pain; BMC Neurology; 2017; 17(1)

Pasanen K, Bruun M, Vasankari T, Nurminen M and Frey WO; Injuries during the international floorball tournaments from 2012 to 2015; BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine; 2017; 2(1):e000217

Pfirrmann C and Sutter R; Update on Femoroacetabular Impingement: What Is New, and How Should We Assess It?; Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology; 2017; 21(05):518-28

Pfirrmann CWA and Sutter R; Hip Imaging; Semin Musculoskelet Radiol; 2017; 21(5):485-6

Pomares FB, Funck T, Feier NA, Roy S, Daigle-Martel A, Ceko M, Narayanan S, Araujo D, Thiel A, Stikov N, Fitzcharles M-A and Schweinhardt P; Histological Underpinnings of Grey Matter Changes in Fibromyalgia Investigated Using Multimodal Brain Imaging; The Journal of Neuroscience; 2016; 37(5):1090-101

Puskas GJ, Catanzaro S and Gerber C; Erratum to “Clinical outcome of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty combined with latissimus dorsi transfer for the treatment of chronic combined pseudoparesis of elevation and external rotation of the shoulder” [J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2014;23:49-57]; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 2017; 26(9):1692

Puskas GJ, Germann M, Catanzaro S and Gerber C; Erratum to “Secondary latissimus dorsi transfer after failed reverse total shoulder arthroplasty” [J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2015;24:e337-e344]; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 2017; 26(8):1493

Puskas GJ, Lädermann A, Hirsiger S, Hoffmeyer P and Gerber C; Revision rate after screw or plate arthrodesis of the glenohumeral joint; Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research; 2017; 103(6):875-84

Rahm S, Camenzind RS, Hingsammer A, Lenz C, Bauer DE, Farshad M and Fucentese SF; Postoperative alignment of TKA in patients with severe preoperative varus or valgus deformity: is there a difference between surgical techniques?; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; 2017; 18(1)

Rahm S and Zingg PO; [Indications for joint replacement : Total hip arthroplasty]; Z Rheumatol; 2018; 77(1):55-65

Robl B, Botter SM, Boro A, Meier D, Neri D and Fuchs B; Evaluation of F8-TNF-α in Models of Early and Progressive Metastatic Osteosarcoma; Translational Oncology; 2017; 10(3):419-30

Roner S, Vlachopoulos L, Nagy L, Schweizer A and Fürnstahl P; Accuracy and Early Clinical Outcome of 3-Dimensional Planned and Guided Single-Cut Osteotomies of Malunited Forearm Bones; The Journal of Hand Surgery; 2017; 42(12):1031.e1-.e8

Rörig C; Unerwarteter Verlauf einer Oligoarthritis; Rheuma Schweiz; 2017; 6:16-20

Rörig C and Brunner F; Eine alte Bekannte; VSAO Journal; 2017; 6:31-3

Rosskopf AB, Agten CA, Ramseier LE, Pfirrmann CWA and Buck FM; Femoral torsion assessment with MRI in children: Should we use the bony or cartilaginous contours?; European Journal of Radiology; 2017; 92:153-8

Rosskopf AB, Buck FM, Pfirrmann CWA and Ramseier LE; Femoral and tibial torsion measurements in children and adolescents: comparison of MRI and 3D models based on low-dose biplanar radiographs; Skeletal Radiology; 2017; 46(4):469-76

Ruoss S, Möhl CB, Benn MC, von Rechenberg B, Wieser K, Meyer DC, Gerber C and Flück M; Costamere protein expression and tissue composition of rotator cuff muscle after tendon release in sheep; Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 2017

Saporito A, Anselmi L, Sturini E, Borgeat A and Aguirre JA; Is outpatient continuous regional analgesia more effective and equally safe than single-shot peripheral nerve blocks after ambulatory orthopedic surgery?; Minerva Anestesiol; 2017; 83(9):972-81

Schmid SL, Bachmann E, Fischer M, Meyer DC, Gerber CA, Snedeker JG and Farshad M; Pedicle screw augmentation with bone cement enforced Vicryl mesh; Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 2017

Senteler M, Aiyangar A, Weisse B, Farshad M and Snedeker JG; Sensitivity of intervertebral joint forces to center of rotation location and trends along its migration path; Journal of Biomechanics; 2018; 70:140-8

Senteler M, Weisse B, Rothenfluh DA, Farshad MT and Snedeker JG; Fusion angle affects intervertebral adjacent spinal segment joint forces-Model-based analysis of patient specific alignment; Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 2016; 35(1):131-9

Snedeker JG and Foolen J; Tendon injury and repair – A perspective on the basic mechanisms of tendon disease and future clinical therapy; Acta Biomaterialia; 2017; 63:18-36

Spörri J, Kröll J, Fasel B, Aminian K and Müller E; The Use of Body Worn Sensors for Detecting the Vibrations Acting on the Lower Back in Alpine Ski Racing; Frontiers in Physiology; 2017; 8

Swanenburg J, Bäbler E, Adelsberger R, Straumann D and de Bruin ED; Patients with chronic peripheral vestibular hypofunction compared to healthy subjects exhibit differences in gaze and gait behaviour when walking on stairs and ramps; PLOS ONE; 2017; 12(12):e0189037

Swanenburg J, Zurbrugg A, Straumann D, Hegemann SCA, Palla A and de Bruin ED; A pilot study investigating the association between chronic bilateral vestibulopathy and components of a clinical functional assessment tool; Physiotherapy Theory and Practice; 2017; 33(6):454-61

Thöni J, Peterson CK and Kim Humphreys B; Comparison of treatment outcomes in neck pain patients depending on the sex of the chiropractor: a prospective outcome study; Chiropractic & Manual Therapies; 2017; 25(1)

Thöni J, Peterson CK and Kim Humphreys B; Correction to: Comparison of treatment outcomes in neck pain patients depending on the sex of the chiropractor: a prospective outcome study; Chiropractic & Manual Therapies; 2017; 25(1)

Tresch F, Dietrich TJ, Pfirrmann CWA and Sutter R; Hip MRI: Prevalence of articular cartilage defects and labral tears in asymptomatic volunteers. A comparison with a matched population of patients with femoroacetabular impingement; Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 2016; 46(2):440-51

Tscholl PM, Biedert RM, Wanivenhaus F and Fucentese SF; Patellar tendinopathy with intratendinous alteration on MRI may be related to patellofemoral dysplasia; Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports; 2018; 28(4):1443-50

Tscholl PM, Wanivenhaus F and Fucentese SF; Conventional Radiographs and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Analysis of Trochlear Dysplasia: The Influence of Selected Levels on Magnetic Resonance Imaging; The American Journal of Sports Medicine; 2017; 45(5):1059-65

Tschopp M and Brunner F; Diagnose und Differentialdiagnose des komplexen regionalen Schmerzsyndroms (CRPS); Rheuma Schweiz; 2017; 3:10-2

Tschopp M and Brunner F; [Diseases and overuse injuries of the lower extremities in long distance runners]; Z Rheumatol; 2017; 76(5):443-50

Ulbrich EJ, Nanz D, Leinhard OD, Marcon M and Fischer MA; Whole-body adipose tissue and lean muscle volumes and their distribution across gender and age: MR-derived normative values in a normal-weight Swiss population; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine; 2017; 79(1):449-58

Ulrich NH, Burgstaller JM, Held U, Winklhofer S, Farshad M, Pichierri G, Steurer J and Porchet F; The Influence of Single-Level vs Multilevel Decompression on the Outcome in Multisegmental Lumbar Spinal Stenosis: Analysis of the Lumbar Spinal Outcome Study (LSOS) Data — A Swiss Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study; The Spine Journal; 2017; 17(10):S164

Ulrich NH, Burgstaller JM, Pichierri G, Wertli MM, Farshad M, Porchet F, Steurer J and Held U; Decompression Surgery Alone Versus Decompression Plus Fusion in Symptomatic Lumbar Spinal Stenosis; SPINE; 2017; 42(18):E1077-E86

Ulrich NH, Burgstaller JM, Pichierri G, Wertli MM, Steurer J, Farshad M and Porchet F; Does Preoperative Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Worsen Outcome in Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis? A Swiss Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study; Joint Annual Meeting 2017: Swiss Society of Neurosurgery, Swiss Society of Neuroradiology, Georg Thieme Verlag KG; 2017:

Valdivieso P, Toigo M, Hoppeler H and Flück M; T/T homozygosity of the tenascin-C gene polymorphism rs2104772 negatively influences exercise-induced angiogenesis; PLOS ONE; 2017; 12(4):e0174864

Valdivieso P, Vaughan D, Laczko E, Brogioli M, Waldron S, Rittweger J and Flück M; The Metabolic Response of Skeletal Muscle to Endurance Exercise Is Modified by the ACE-I/D Gene Polymorphism and Training State; Frontiers in Physiology; 2017; 8

Van Overschelde P, Pinskerova V, Koch PP, Fornasieri C and Fucentese S; Redefining Knee Balance in a Medially Stabilized Prosthesis: An Study; The Open Orthopaedics Journal; 2017; 11(1):1165-72

Vlachopoulos L, Carrillo F, Gerber C, Székely G and Fürnstahl P; A Novel Registration-Based Approach for 3D Assessment of Posttraumatic Distal Humeral Deformities; The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery; 2017; 99(23):e127

Vlachopoulos L, Schweizer A, Meyer DC, Gerber C and Fürnstahl P; Computer-assisted planning and patient-specific guides for the treatment of midshaft clavicle malunions; Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery; 2017; 26(8):1367-73

Vrana A, Scholkmann F, Wirth B, Flueck M and Humphreys BK; Changes in Spinal Muscle Oxygenation and Perfusion during the Biering-Sørensen Test: Preliminary Results of a Study Employing NIRS-based Muscle Oximetry; Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; 2018; accepted

Wanivenhaus F, Buck FM, Betz M, Farshad-Amacker NA and Farshad M; Reliability of postoperative MR imaging in the determination of level and side of lumbar spinal decompression surgery; Acta Radiologica; 2016; 58(5):581-5

Wanivenhaus F, Espinosa N, Tscholl PM, Krause F and Wirth SH; Quality of Early Union After First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis; The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery; 2017; 56(1):50-3

Weigelt L, Fürnstahl P, Hirsiger S, Vlachopoulos L, Espinosa N and Wirth SH; Three-Dimensional Correction of Complex Ankle Deformities With Computer-Assisted Planning and Patient-Specific Surgical Guides; The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery; 2017; 56(6):1158-64

Weigelt L, Fürnstahl P and Schweizer A; Computer-Assisted Corrective Osteotomy of Malunited Pediatric Radial Neck Fractures—Three-Dimensional Postoperative Accuracy and Clinical Outcome; Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma; 2017; 31(12):e436-e41

Weigelt L and Wirth SH; Achillessehnenentzündung; Praxis; 2017; 105(5):265-8

Wertli MM, Brunner F, Steurer J and Held U; Usefulness of bone scintigraphy for the diagnosis of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome 1: A systematic review and Bayesian meta-analysis; PLOS ONE; 2017; 12(3):e0173688

Wieser K, Fürnstahl P, Carrillo F, Fucentese SF and Vlachopoulos L; Assessment of the Isometry of the Anterolateral Ligament in a 3-Dimensional Weight-Bearing Computed Tomography Simulation; Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery; 2017; 33(5):1016-23

Wirth B, Ehrler M and Humphreys BK; First episode of acute low back pain – an exploratory cluster analysis approach for early detection of unfavorable recovery; Disability and Rehabilitation; 2016; 39(25):2559-65

Wolf LE, Aguirre JA, Vogt C, Keller C, Borgeat A and Bruppacher HR; Transfer of skills and comparison of performance between king vision® video laryngoscope and macintosh blade following an AHA airway management course; BMC Anesthesiology; 2017; 17(1)

Wunderli SL, Widmer J, Amrein N, Foolen J, Silvan U, Leupin O and Snedeker JG; Minimal mechanical load and tissue culture conditions preserve native cell phenotype and morphology in tendon-a novel ex vivo mouse explant model; Journal of Orthopaedic Research; 2017

Zubler V, Agten CA, Pfirrmann CWA, Weiss BG and Dietrich TJ; Frequency of Arthritis-Like MRI Findings in the Forefeet of Healthy Volunteers Versus Patients With Symptomatic Rheumatoid Arthritis or Psoriatic Arthritis; American Journal of Roentgenology; 2017; 208(2):W45-W53

Zubler V, Zanetti M, Dietrich TJ, Espinosa N, Pfirrmann CW and Mamisch-Saupe N; Is there an Added Value of T1-Weighted Contrast-Enhanced Fat-suppressed Spin-Echo MR Sequences Compared to STIR Sequences in MRI of the Foot and Ankle?; Eur Radiol; 2017; 27(8):3452-9

Bücher und Buchkapitel

Agten C; Postoperative Imaging: Rotator Cuff Repairs; In: Shahabpour M, Sutter R, Kramer J; MRI of the Shoulder; Horn: Breitenseher; 2017; 275

Beeler S and Sutter R; Lesion of the elbow; In: ESSR Sports Imaging Subcommittee; Horn: Breitenseher Publisher; 2018

Berli M, Greitemann B und Teutrine P; Rollstühle; In: Greitemann B, Baumgartner R (Hrsg.); Technische Orthopädie; Stuttgart: Thieme; 2017; 252-65

Berli M, Greitemann B und Teutrine P; Technische Hilfen; In: Greitemann B, Baumgartner R (Hrsg.); Technische Orthopädie; Stuttgart: Thieme; 2017; 266-79

Bouaicha S and Sutter R; Lesion of the Rotator Cuff: What the surgeon wants to know; In: Shahabpour M, Sutter R, Kramer J (Hrsg.): MRI of the Shoulder; Horn: Breitenseher; 2017; 93

Bouaicha S and Sutter R; Lesion of the Rotator Cuff: What the surgeon wants to know; In: ESSR Sports Imaging Subcommittee; Horn: Breitenseher Publisher; 2018

Brunner F; CRPS !? – Wann daran denken und erste Massnahmen; In: Rheuma Schweiz (Hrsg.); Komplexes Regionales Schmerzsyndrom (CRPS); Stutz Medien AG; 2017; 8-9

Fritz LB and Sutter R; Shoulder Instability; In: Shahabpour M, Sutter R, Kramer J (Hrsg.): MRI of the Shoulder; Horn: Breitenseher; 2017; 135

Kassarjian A, Fritz LB, Afonso PD, Alcalá-Galiano A, Ereño MJ, Grainger A, Llopis E, McNally E, Schüller-Weidekamm and Sutter R; Imaging Protocols; In: Shahabpour M, Sutter R, Kramer J; MRI of the Shoulder; Horn: Breitenseher; 2017; 283

Meyer DC und Gautier L; Instabilität des Schultergelenks; In: Bessler J et al. (Hrsg.); Thieme manuelletherapie Expertenwissen/Die besten Schwerpunktartikel von 2012–2016; Stuttgart/New York: Thieme; 2018; 265-72

Müller DA; Wann muss eine Weichteilschwellung abgeklärt werden? In: Ebnöther (Hrsg.); OncoMag, MedEdition; 2017; 26-229

Stähli ML; «Pflege als Partner der Medizin auf Augenhöhe»; Pflege; 2017; 30(2): 103-4

Tschopp M und Brunner F; Diagnose und Differentialdiagnose des komplexen regionalen Schmerzsyndroms (CRPS); In: Rheuma Schweiz (Hrsg.); Komplexes Regionales Schmerzsyndrom (CRPS); Stutz Medien AG; 2017; 10-12


Aichmair Alexander; Cost-effectiveness of conservative versus surgical treatment strategies of lumbar spinal stenosis in the Swiss setting: analysis of the prospective multicenter Lumbar Stenosis Outcome Study (LSOS); PD Dr. med. Mazda Farshad; Universität Zürich; 2017 

Dennler Cyrill Marc; Beurteilbarkeit der Humeruskopfnekrose in der MRT nach CF/PEEK-Plattenosteosynthese; Prof. Dr. med. Christian Gerber, Prof. Dr. med. Dominik Meyer; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Guzzella Sandra Esther; Deltoid, Triceps, or both response improve the success rate of the interscalene catheter surgical block compared with the biceps response; Dr. med. Jose Aguirre, Prof. Dr. med. Alain Borgeat; Universität Zürich; 2017

Kim Chan-Hi Olaf; Arthroscopic Hip Surgery: Frequency of Postoperative MR Arthrographic Findings in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Patients; Prof. Dr. med. Christian Pfirrmann; Universität Zürich; 2017

Kressig Michel; Are specific MRI abnormalities Related to Outcomes in Symptomatic Cervical Disc Herniation Patients treated with High Velocity, Low Amplitude Spinal Manipulation?; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Tresch Florian; Hip MRI: Prevalence of articular cartilage defects and labral tears in asymptomatic volunteers. A comparison with a matched population of patients with femoroacetabular impingement; Prof. Dr. med. Christian Pfirrmann; Universität Zürich; 2017


Abdel-Aziz S; The Effect of Calpain-Inhibitor on Muscular Degeneration after Rotator Cuff Tear: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Sheep; Prof. Dr. M. Flück; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Amrhein Noemi; Assessment des Bewegungsapparats: Obere und untere Extremitäten. Medienarbeit. Einführung in Untersuchungs- und Behandlungstechniken des dritten Studienjahrs Chiropraktische Medizin mit evidenzbasierter Beurteilung der einzelnen Tests; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Beereuter Patric; Protocol for a clinical study to compare the Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) with Advanced Gyroscope (iPhone App) Measurements for measuring postural stabilty.Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Bischoff, Sabrina; The Impact of Regional Anesthesia on Analgesia Outcome after Total Knee Replacement: A Retrospective Study; Prof. Dr. med. A. Borgeat; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Bühler Selina; Untersuchung visueller Beobachtungsmuster von erfahrenen Physiotherapeuten und Novizen bei einer nicht instrumentellen Ganganalyse – eine Pilotstudie; Dr. Valentine Marcar; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Forster Joel; How much pain reduction is clinically relevant in low back pain patients undergoing chiropractic treatment? A secondary analysis from a prospective cohort outcomes study; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Gassner Antonia; Review of the neurophysiological responses to spinal manipulative therapy: Review protocol and narrative review; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Gautschi Martina; Vorbereitungen für eine biomechanische Studie zum Thema Rekonstruktion des lateralen Bandapparates des oberen Sprunggelenkes – Erstellen des Studienprotokolls und des Ethikantrags; Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Gerber; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Golshani Shayan; Patientenspezifische Template-geführte Pedikelinstrumentation versus Fluoroskopiegeführte «Free-hand-technique» – eine randomisierte prospektive Studie; Prof. Dr. med. M. Farshad; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Graf Nadia; Self-reported outcomes for neck pain patients undergoing chiropractic treatment; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Mayr Lukas; Narrative Übersichtsarbeit über den aktuellen Wissens- und Forschungsstand zum muskuloskelettalen Neugeborenen-Torticollis und dessen Therapiemöglichkeiten mit Fokus auf der manuellen Therapie; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Miller Daniel; Sensor controlled compliance evaluation of compressive elastic stockings treatment in patients after elective foot and ankle surgery: A prospective, randomized and controlled cohort study; Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Gerber / Dr. med. Grubhofer; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Müller Simone; Ethikantrag zur Studie: Chiropractic treatment of arthrogenic torticollis in infants; a retrospective study on outcome in 1000 infants; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Nyirö Luana; How Long is Acute? Challenging the Predefinition of 'Acute' Neck Pain: A prospective cohort observational study comparing the Outcomes of Chiropractic Patients with 0-2 Weeks, 2-4 Weeks and 4-12 Weeks of Symptoms; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Ottini Andrea; Deltopectoral versus Superolateral Approach for Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty; Prof. Dr. med. Ch. Gerber; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Pellegrino, Alejandro; The effects of perioperative interventions on postoperative delirium in noncardiac surgery: A systematic review;Prof. Dr. med. A. Borgeat; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Potthoff Tobias; A systematic review on quantifiable physical risk factors for non-specific adolescent low back pain; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Kommisarische Leitung: Prof. Armin Curt; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Thöni Janine; Comparison of chiropractic treatment outcome in neck pain patients depending on the sex of the Chiropractor; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Wechsler Cyrill; Das Früh-Komplikationsspektrum nach Wirbelsäulen-chirurgischen Eingriffen - eine retrospektive Analyse von 1009 konsekutiven Patienten; Prof. Dr. med. M. Farshad; Universität Zürich, Med. Fakultät; 2017

Balgrist Campus: Forschung, Entwicklung und Lehre für Spitzenmedizin am Bewegungsapparat

Zentrum für Paraplegie

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Abo Youssef N, Schneider MP, Mordasini L, Ineichen BV, Bachmann LM, Chartier-Kastler E, Panicker JN and Kessler TM; Cannabinoids for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis; BJU International; 2017; 119(4):515-21

Aigner A, Curt A, Tanadini LG and Maathuis MH; Concurrent validity of single and groups of walking assessments following acute spinal cord injury; Spinal Cord; 2016; 55(5):435-40

Awai L, Franz M, Easthope CS, Vallery H, Curt A and Bolliger M; Preserved gait kinematics during controlled body unloading; Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation; 2017; 14(1):25

Bannwart M, Emst D, Easthope C, Bolliger M and Rauter G; Automated stand-up and sit-down detection for robot-assisted body-weight support training with the FLOAT; IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics; Proceedings; 2017:412-7

Bergmann J, Krewer C, Bauer P, Koenig A, Riener R and Muller F; Virtual reality to augment robot-assisted gait training in non-ambulatory patients with a subacute stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial; Eur J Phys Rehabil Med; 2017

Blaiotta C, Freund P, Cardoso MJ and Ashburner J; Generative diffeomorphic modelling of large MRI data sets for probabilistic template construction; NeuroImage; 2018; 166:117-34

Brogioli M, Popp WL, Schneider S, Albisser U, Brust AK, Frotzler A, Gassert R, Curt A and Starkey ML; Multi-Day Recordings of Wearable Sensors Are Valid and Sensitive Measures of Function and Independence in Human Spinal Cord Injury; Journal of Neurotrauma; 2017; 34(6):1141-8

Bywater M and Kessler TM; Wenn die Blase drängt: Neue therapeutische Möglichkeiten; Praxis; 2017; 106(21):1175-81

Cotterill N, Madersbacher H, Wyndaele JJ, Apostolidis A, Drake MJ, Gajewski J, Heesakkers J, Panicker J, Radziszewski P, Sakakibara R, Sievert K-D, Hamid R, Kessler TM and Emmanuel A; Neurogenic bowel dysfunction: Clinical management recommendations of the Neurologic Incontinence Committee of the Fifth International Consultation on Incontinence 2013; Neurourology and Urodynamics; 2017; 37(1):46-53

Curt A, Levi AD and Schwab JM; Challenges to Translation and the Hippocratic Oath by Premature Termination of Spinal Cord Stem Cell–Based Trials; JAMA Neurology; 2017; 74(6):635

David G, Freund P and Mohammadi S; The efficiency of retrospective artifact correction methods in improving the statistical power of between-group differences in spinal cord DTI; NeuroImage; 2017; 158:296-307

Dietz V and Schwab ME; From the Rodent Spinal Cord Injury Model to Human Application: Promises and Challenges; Journal of Neurotrauma; 2017; 34(9):1826-30

Ehrström S, Tartaruga MP, Easthope CS, Brisswalter J, Morin J-B and Vercruyssen F; Short Trail Running Race: Beyond the Classic Model for Endurance Running Performance; Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise; 2018; 50(3):580-8

Filli L, Zörner B, Kapitza S, Reuter K, Lörincz L, Weller D, Sutter T, Killeen T, Gruber P, Petersen JA, Weller M and Linnebank M; Monitoring long-term efficacy of fampridine in gait-impaired patients with multiple sclerosis; Neurology; 2017; 88(9):832-41

Franz M, Richner L, Wirz M, von Reumont A, Bergner U, Herzog T, Popp W, Bach K, Weidner N and Curt A; Physical therapy is targeted and adjusted over time for the rehabilitation of locomotor function in acute spinal cord injury interventions in physical and sports therapy; Spinal Cord; 2017; 56(2):158-67

Grabher P, Blaiotta C, Ashburner J and Freund P; Relationship between brainstem neurodegeneration and clinical impairment in traumatic spinal cord injury; NeuroImage: Clinical; 2017; 15:494-501

Grabher P, Mohammadi S, David G and Freund P; Neurodegeneration in the Spinal Ventral Horn Prior to Motor Impairment in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy; Journal of Neurotrauma; 2017; 34(15):2329-34

Hoen Lt, Ecclestone H, Blok BFM, Karsenty G, Phé V, Bossier R, Groen J, Castro-Diaz D, Padilla Fernández B, Del Popolo G, Musco S, Pannek J, Kessler TM, Gross T, Schneider MP and Hamid R; Long-term effectiveness and complication rates of bladder augmentation in patients with neurogenic bladder dysfunction: A systematic review; Neurourology and Urodynamics; 2017; 36(7):1685-702

Huber E, Lachappelle P, Sutter R, Curt A and Freund P; Are midsagittal tissue bridges predictive of outcome after cervical spinal cord injury?; Annals of Neurology; 2017; 81(5):740-8

Ineichen BV, Schneider MP, Hlavica M, Hagenbuch N, Linnebank M and Kessler TM; High EDSS can predict risk for upper urinary tract damage in patients with multiple sclerosis; Multiple Sclerosis Journal; 2017:135245851770380

Just F, Ozen O, Tortora S, Riener R and Rauter G; Feedforward model based arm weight compensation with the rehabilitation robot ARMin; IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics; Proceedings; 2017:72-7

Jutzeler CR, Cragg JJ, Warner FM, Archibald J, Thomas CPM, Elliott S and Kramer JLK; Journal Club: Pregnancy outcome following maternal exposure to pregabalin may call for concern; Neurology; 2016; 88(1):e5-e7

Jutzeler CR, Ulrich A, Huber B, Rosner J, Kramer JLK and Curt A; Improved Diagnosis of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy with Contact Heat Evoked Potentials; Journal of Neurotrauma; 2017; 34(12):2045-53

Jutzeler CR, Warner FM, Wanek J, Curt A and Kramer JLK; Thermal grill conditioning: Effect on contact heat evoked potentials; Scientific Reports; 2017; 7:40007

Kessler TM; Biomarkers in chronic pelvic pain syndrome: did we find the Holy Grail?; BJU International; 2017; 120(1):1

Killeen T, Easthope CS, Demkó L, Filli L, Lőrincz L, Linnebank M, Curt A, Zörner B and Bolliger M; Minimum toe clearance: probing the neural control of locomotion; Scientific Reports; 2017; 7(1)

Killeen T, Easthope CS, Filli L, Linnebank M, Curt A, Bolliger M and Zörner B; Modulating Arm Swing Symmetry with Cognitive Load: A Window on Rhythmic Spinal Locomotor Networks in Humans?; Journal of Neurotrauma; 2017; 34(10):1897-902

Killeen T, Easthope CS, Filli L, Lőrincz L, Schrafl-Altermatt M, Brugger P, Linnebank M, Curt A, Zörner B and Bolliger M; Increasing cognitive load attenuates right arm swing in healthy human walking; Royal Society Open Science; 2017; 4(1):160993

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