Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

Unsere Forscherinnen und Forscher setzen sich dafür ein, Abklärungen und Behandlungen von Problemen am Bewegungsapparat ständig zu verbessern. Sie erforschen Unbekanntes und gestalten damit die Medizin der Zukunft.

Neuro-Urologie - Neuromodulation gegen Blasenfunktionsstörungen

Unsere Neuro-Urologie leitet eine vom Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) unterstützte wegweisende Studie zur Vorbeugung von Blasenfunktionsstörungen in der Frühphase nach Rückenmarksverletzung: TASCI - Transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in patients with Acute Spinal Cord Injury to prevent neurogenic detrusor overativity: a nationwide randomized, sham-controlled, double-blind clinical trial.


Prof. Dr. med. Thomas M. Kessler
Chefarzt Neuro-Urologie

Dr. sc. ETH Martina D. Liechti
Studienkoordinatorin Neuro-Urologie

Zurück zur Übersicht

Rückenmarksverletzungen führen zu Blasenfunktionsstörungen, die oft die Lebensqualität massiv beeinträchtigen und die Nierenfunktion gefährden können. In der TASCI-Studie wird untersucht, ob durch eine Stromtherapie, eine sogenannte «Neuromodulation», die Entwicklung gefährlicher Blasenfunktionsstörungen verhindert werden kann.

Worum geht es in der Studie?
Tritt eine Rückenmarksverletzung ein, kommt es in den meisten Fällen zu einer gestörten Wahrnehmung der Blasenfüllung, zu einer unvollständigen Blasenentleerung sowie zu Harninkontinenz. Ohne urologische Massnahmen drohen Schädigungen des Harntrakts bis hin zu Nierenversagen. Durch eine Neuromodulation sollen über bestimmte Nervenbahnen jene Reflexe erhalten bleiben, die zur korrekten Funktion von Harnblase und Schliessmuskel notwendig sind. Die Harnblase würde damit trotz Rückenmarksverletzung weitgehend funktionieren und die Patienten hätten weniger Komplikationen zu befürchten.
Unser Team untersucht, ob gravierenden Störungen der Blasenfunktion dank frühzeitigem Behandlungsbeginn nach Rückenmarksverletzung durch eine Neuromodulation vorgebeugt werden kann. In dieser Studie erhalten Rückenmarksverletzte über mehrere Wochen jeden Tag eine Stromtherapie. Dabei wird der Schienbein-Nerv (Tibial-Nerv) mittels elektrischer Reizung über Klebeelektroden stimuliert (transkutane tibiale Nervenstimulation: TTNS). Insgesamt werden 114 Patienten in die Studie eingeschlossen und nach dem Zufallsprinzip in 2 Gruppen aufgeteilt: Bei 57 Patienten wird die TTNS wirklich durchgeführt, bei 57 Patienten erfolgt nur eine Scheinbehandlung (sham). Weder Patienten noch behandelnde ÄrztInnen kennen die Gruppen-Zuteilung, es handelt sich um eine doppel-blinde Studie.

Welche Bedeutung haben die Ergebnisse für die Betroffenen?
Bis anhin werden Blasenfunktionsstörungen nach Rückenmarksverletzung meistens erst bei Auftreten von Beschwerden behandelt. Die Therapien sind oft ungenügend wirksam oder mit relevanten Nebenwirkungen verbunden. So brauchen wir dringend neue Behandlungsmethoden, welche Blasenfunktionsstörungen verhindern können, bevor irreversible Schädigungen auftreten. Wenn sich die Neuromodulation als erfolgreich herausstellen sollte, wäre dies ein Meilenstein in der Rehabilitation der Blasenfunktion bei Rückenmarksverletzten. Statt der Behandlung einer bereits bestehenden Blasenfunktionsstörung würde die Vorbeugung (Prävention) in den Vordergrund rücken und so das Blasenmanagement massgeblich verändern.

Multizentrische SNF-Studie
Das TASCI-Projekt erfolgt in Zusammenarbeit mit allen Paraplegiker-Zentren der Schweiz, die bereits im Rahmen von SwiSCI (Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study) kollaborieren. Dazu zählen die Universitätsklinik Balgrist in Zürich, das Schweizer Paraplegiker-Zentrum in Nottwil, das REHAB Basel und die Clinique Romande de Réadaption in Sion. Die Gesamtleitung obliegt Prof. Dr. Thomas M. Kessler (Universitätsklinik Balgrist) in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Martin Brinkhof (Schweizer Paraplegiker Forschung), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pannek (Schweizer Paraplegiker Zentrum) und Prof. Dr. Armin Curt (Universitätsklinik Balgrist).

Prof. Dr. Mazda Farshad, Ärztlicher Direktor

Publikationen 2018

Unsere Forscherinnen und Forschen veröffentlichen regelmässig ihre neusten Erkenntnisse in verschiedenen Fachmagazinen. Nachfolgend finden Sie die Publikationen des vergangenen Jahres.

Orthopädische Klinik (inkl. Anästhesie, Radiologie und Rheumatologie)

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Achermann Y, Liu J, Zbinden R, Zingg PO, Anagnostopoulos A, Barnard E, Sutter R, Li H, McDowell A, Zinkernagel AS; Propionibacterium avidum: A Virulent Pathogen Causing Hip Periprosthetic Joint Infection; Clin Infect Dis; 2018 Jan 6; S66(1):54-63.

Ackermann J, Ganz R, Fürnstahl P; A new treatment approach for severe Legg-Calvé-Perthes deformity based on computer simulation and surgical navigatio; Leading opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologie; 2018

Agten CA, Dennler C, Rosskopf AB, Jaberg L, Pfirrmann CWA, Farshad M; Augmented Reality-Guided Lumbar Facet Joint Injections; Invest Radiol; 2018 May 8

Agten CA, Margaroli L, Bensler S, Fritz B, Rosskopf AB, Held U, Pfirrmann CWA; Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in radiologists: a cross-sectional study; Skeletal Radiol; 2018 Feb 2

Agten CA, Rosskopf AB, Jonczy M, Brunner F, Pfirrmann CWA, Buck FM; Frequency of inflammatory-like MR imaging findings in asymptomatic fingers of healthy volunteers; Skeletal Radiol; 2018 Feb; 47(2):279-287

Agten CA, Zubler V, Zanetti M, Binkert CA, Kolokythas O, Prentl E, Buck FM, Pfirrmann CWA; Postpartum Bone Marrow Edema at the Sacroiliac Joints May Mimic Sacroiliitis of Axial Spondyloarthritis on MRI; AJR Am J Roentgenol; 2018 Sep 24; Seiten 1-7

Aguirre JA, Etzensperger F, Brada M, Guzzella S, Saporito A, Blumenthal S, Bühler P, Borgeat A; The beach chair position for shoulder surgery in intravenous general anesthesia and controlled hypotension: Impact on cerebral oxygenation, cerebral blood flow and neurobehavioral outcome; J Clin Anesth; 2018 Oct 4; 53:40-48

Anagnostopoulos A, Bossard DA, Ledergerber B, Zingg PO, Zinkernagel AS, Gerber C, Achermann Y; Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis Has No Effect on Time to Positivity and Proportion of Positive Samples: a Cohort Study of 64 Cutibacterium acnes Bone and Joint Infections; J Clin Microbiol; 2018 Jan 24; 56(2).pii:e01576-17

Bachmann E, Rosskopf AB, Götschi T, Klarhöfer M, Deligianni X, Hilbe M, Pfirrmann CWA, Snedeker JG, Fischer MA; T1- and T2*-Mapping for Assessment of Tendon Tissue Biophysical Properties: A Phantom MRI Study; Invest Radiol; 2018 Nov 16

Baschera D, Oberle J, Grubhofer F, Schmid SL; Perioperative Use of Anticoagulant and Platelet-inhibiting Medications for Elective Spine Surgery: Results of a Nationwide Survey; J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg; 2018 Mar 9

Bauer DE, Hingsammer A, Schenk P, Vlachopoulos L, Imam MA, Fürnstahl P, Meyer DC; Are Commercially-available Precontoured Anatomical Clavicle Plating Systems Offering the Purported Superior Optimum Fitting to the Clavicle? A Cadaveric Analysis and Review of Literature; Orthop Traumatol Surg Res; 2018 Mar 16; S1877-0568(18)30071-9

Beeler S, Hasler A, Getzmann J, Weigelt L, Meyer DC, Gerber C; Acromial roof in patients with concentric osteoarthritis and massive rotator cuff tears: multiplanar analysis of 115 computed tomography scans; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2018 May 8

Beeler S, Hasler A, Götschi T, Meyer DC, Gerber C; The Critical Shoulder Angle: Acromial Coverage is More Relevant than Glenoid Inclination; J Orthop Res; 2018 May 18

Beeler S, Hasler A, Götschi T, Meyer DC, Gerber C; Different acromial roof morphology in concentric and eccentric osteoarthritis of the shoulder: a multiplane reconstruction analysis of 105 shoulder computed tomography scans; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2018 Jul 24; S1058-2746(18)30374-4

Bensler S, Agten CA, Pfirrmann CWA, Sutter R; Osseous spurs at the fovea capitis femoris-a frequent finding in asymptomatic volunteers; Skeletal Radiol; 2018 Jan; 47(1):69-77

Bensler S, Dietrich TJ, Zubler V, Pfirrmann CWA, Sutter R; Pincer-type MRI morphology seen in over a third of asymptomatic healthy volunteers without femoroacetabular impingement; J Magn Reson Imaging; 2018 Oct 14

Bensler S, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CWA, Peterson CK; Particulate versus non-particulate corticosteroids for transforaminal nerve root blocks: Comparison of outcomes in 494 patients with lumbar radiculopathy; Eur Radiol; 2018 Mar; 28(3):946-952

Bez M, Kremen TJ, Tawackoli W, Avalos P, Sheyn D, Shapiro G, Giaconi JC, Ben David S, Snedeker JG, Gazit Z, Ferrara KW, Gazit D, Pelled G; Ultrasound-Mediated Gene Delivery Enhances Tendon Allograft Integration in Mini-Pig Ligament Reconstruction; Mol Ther; 2018 Jul 5; 26(7):1746-1755. doi: 10.1016

Blache U, Vallmajo-Martin Q, Horton ER, Guerrero J, Djonov V, Scherberich A, Erler JT, Martin I, Snedeker JG, Milleret V, Ehrbar M; Notch-inducing hydrogels reveal a perivascular switch of mesenchymal stem cell fate; EMBO Rep; 2018 Aug; 19(8). pii: e45964. doi: 10.15252

Blumenthal S, Zbinden R, Mandic S, Rüst CA, Aguirre J, Borgeat A; Influence of skin disinfection prior removal of perineural catheter on bacterial colonization, contamination and local inflammation: A prospective randomized study; Minerva Anestesiologica; 2018

Bolt D, Giger R, Wirth S, Swanenburg J; Step Down Test - Assessment of Postural Stability in Patients With Chronic Ankle Instability; J Sport Rehabil; 2017 Aug 8

Böni L, Kuster SP, Bartik B, Zbinden R, Zingg PO, Achermann Y; Cutibacterium avidum Colonization in the Groin is Associated with Obesity: A Potential Risk Factor for Hip Periprosthetic Joint Infection (PJI); Clin Infect Dis; 2018 May 9

Borgeat A, Ofner C, Saporito A, Farshad M, Aguirre J; The effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on bone healing in humans: A qualitative, systematic review; J Clin Anesth; 2019 Jun 15; 49:92-100

Bouaicha S, Ernstbrunner L, Jud L, Meyer DC, Snedeker JG, Bachmann E; The lever arm ratio of the rotator cuff to deltoid muscle explains and predicts pseudoparalysis of the shoulder; Bone Joint J; 2018 Dec ; Seiten 1600-1608

Bouaicha S, Hoch A, Jentzsch T, Moor BK; Impact of vertical and horizontal malrotation on measurements of anteroposterior radiographs of the scapula: need for standardized images in modern omometry; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2018 Jan 9; S1058-2746(17)30666-3

Bouaicha S, Wieser K, Grubhofer F; Ariadne's Thread: An Easy Way to Find Your Way Back to the Glenohumeral Joint Through the Posterior Portal Once You Have Left; Arthroscopy Association of North America; 2018 Oct 29

Bratu VA, Häusermann P, Walker UA, Daikeler T, Zubler V, Jaeger VK, Weber U, Studler U; Do patients with skin psoriasis show subclinical axial inflammation on MRI of the sacroiliac joints and entire spine?; Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken); 2018 Sep 22; doi: 10.1002/acr.23767

Bratus-Neuenschwander A, Castro-Giner F, Frank-Bertoncelj M, Aluri S, Fucentese SF, Schlapbach R, Sprott H; Pain-Associated Transcriptome Changes in Synovium of Knee Osteoarthritis Patients; Genes (Basel); 2018 Jul 4

Brunner F; CRPS: was gibt es Neues?; Schlaglichter 2017; 2018

Burkhard M, Fürnstahl P, Farshad M; Three-dimensionally printed vertebrae with different bone densities for surgical training; Eur Spine J; 2018 Dec 3

Camenzind RS, Tondelli TO, Götschi T, Holenstein C, Snedeker JG; Can Genipin-coated Sutures Deliver a Collagen Crosslinking Agent to Improve Suture Pullout in Degenerated Tendon? An Ex Vivo Animal Study; Clin Orthop Relat Res; 2018 Mar 28

Casartelli NC, Bizzini M, Maffiuletti NA, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CW, Leunig M, Naal FD; Exercise therapy for the management of femoroacetabular impingement syndrome: preliminary results of clinical responsiveness; Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken); 2018 Aug 21 ; doi 10.1002/acr.23728

Casartelli NC, Brunner R, Maffiuletti NA, Bizzini M, Leunig M, Pfirrmann CW, Sutter R; The FADIR test accuracy for screening cam and pincer morphology in youth ice hockey players; J Sci Med Sport; 2018 Feb; 21(2):134-138. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.06.011

Casartelli NC, Maffiuletti NA, Brunner R, Büchi M, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CW, Naal FD, Leunig M, Bizzini M; Clinical Rating of Movement Pattern Quality in Patients With Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome: A Methodological Study; J Orthop Sports Phys Ther; 2018 Mar 16; Seiten 1-35

Ceruti S, Anselmi L, Minotti B, Franceschini D, Aguirre J, Borgeat A, Saporito A; Prevention of arterial hypotension after spinal anaesthesia using vena cava ultrasound to guide fluid management; Br J Anaesth; 2018 Jan; 120(1):101-108

Ciganovic M, Ozdemir F, Pean F, Fuernstahl P, Tanner C, Goksel O; Registration of 3D freehand ultrasound to a bone model for orthopedic procedures of the forearm; Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg; 2018 Apr 5

D'Agostino G, Saporito A, Cecchinato V, Silvestri Y, Borgeat A, Anselmi L, Uguccioni M; Lidocaine inhibits cytoskeletal remodelling and human breast cancer cell migration; Br J Anaesth; 2018 Oct; 121(4):962-968

Davat M, Wuarin L, Stafylakis D, Abbas M, Harbarth S, Hannouche D, Uçkay I; Should antibiotic prophylaxis before orthopedic implant surgery depend on the duration of pre-surgical hospital stay?; Antimicrob Resist Infect Control; 2018 Nov 8; 7:131

Dietrich M, Kabelitz M, Dora C, Zingg PO; Perioperative Fractures in Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty Using the Direct Anterior Minimally Invasive Approach: Reduced Risk With Short Stems; J Arthroplasty; 2018 Feb; 33(2):548-554

Do TD, Sutter R, Skornitzke S, Weber MA; CT and MRI Techniques for Imaging Around Orthopedic Hardware; Rofo; 2018 Jan; 190(1):31-41. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-118127

Eckers F, Bauer DE, Hingsammer A, Sutter R, Brand B, Viehöfer A, Wirth SH; Mid- to long-term results of total ankle replacement in patients with haemophilic arthropathy: A 10-year follow-up; Haemophilia; 2018; Seiten 307-315

Ernstbrunner L, Gerber C; Editorial Commentary: Computed Tomography-based Analysis of the Arthroscopic Latarjet Procedure Suggests Graft Positioning Is More Variable than Expected; Arthroscopy; 2018 Jul; 34(7):2041-2044

Ernstbrunner L, Hingsammer A, Imam MA, Sutter R, Brand B, Meyer DC, Wieser K; Long-term results of total elbow arthroplasty in patients with hemophilia; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2017 Nov 3; Seiten 1058-2746

Exner GU, von Hochstetter AR, Pfirrmann CWA; Osteofibrous Dysplasia with Rhabdoid Elements in a 38-Year-Old Man with Spontaneous Regression Over Five Years: A Case Report; JBJS Case Connect; 2018 Jul 11

Farshad M, Bauer DE, Wechsler C, Gerber C, Aichmair A; Risk factors for perioperative morbidity in spine surgeries of different complexities: a multivariate analysis of 1009 consecutive patients; Spine J; 2018 Feb 13; S1529-9430

Farshad M, Burgstaller JM, Held U, Steurer J, Dennler C; Do Preoperative Corticosteroid Injections Increase the Risk for Infections or wound healing problems after Spine Surgery? A Swiss Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study; Spine (Phila Pa 1976); 2018 Jan 3

Farshad M, Sutter R, Hoch A; Severity of foraminal lumbar stenosis and the relation to clinical symptoms and response to periradicular infiltration-introduction of the "melting sign"; Spine J; 2018 Feb; 18(2):294-299. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2017.07.176

Farshad M, Winkler E, Betz M; Anterior Surgical Treatment of Scoliosis in a Patient With Loeys-Dietz Syndrome; J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev; 2017 Oct 17; 1(7):e039

Farshad-Amacker NA, Nanz D, Thanbanbalasingam A, Andreisek G, Nittka M, Luechinger R; 3-T MRI implant safety: heat induction with new dual-channel radiofrequency transmission technology; Eur Radiol Exp; 2018

Fasel B, Gilgien M, Spörri J, Aminian K; A New Training Assessment Method for Alpine Ski Racing: Estimating Center of Mass Trajectory by Fusing Inertial Sensors With Periodically Available Position Anchor Points; Front Physiol; 2018 Aug 30; 9:1203

Filli L, Rosskopf A, Sutter R, Fucentese SF, Pfirrmann CWA; MRI Predictors of Posterolateral Corner Instability: A Decision Tree Analysis of Patients with Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tear; Radiology; 2018 Oct

Finsterwald M, Muster M, Farshad M, Saporito A, Brada M, Aguirre JA; Spinal versus general anesthesia for lumbar spine surgery in high risk patients: Perioperative hemodynamic stability, complications and costs; J Clin Anesth; 2018 Jan 6; S46:3-7

Flück M, Valdivieso P, Ruoss S, von Rechenberg B, Benn MC, Meyer DC, Wieser K, Gerber C; Neurectomy preserves fast fibers when combined with tenotomy of infraspinatus muscle via upregulation of myogenesis; Muscle Nerve; 2018 Aug 2; doi10.1002/mus.26316

Flück M, Viecelli C, Bapst AM, Kasper S, Valdivieso P, Franchi MV, Ruoss S, Lüthi JM, Bühler M, Claassen H, Hoppeler H, Gerber C; Knee Extensors Muscle Plasticity Over a 5-Years Rehabilitation Process After Open Knee Surgery; Front Physiol; 2018 Sep 25; 9:1343

Fornaciari P, Kabelitz M, Fucentese SF; [Jumper's Knee]; Praxis (Bern 1994); 2018 April; B107,9-10, 513-519

Franchi MV, Raiteri BJ, Longo S, Sinha S, Narici MV, Csapo R; Muscle Architecture Assessment: Strengths, Shortcomings and New Frontiers of in Vivo Imaging Techniques; Ultrasound Med Biol; 2018 Sep 2 ; S0301-5629(18)30286-2

Franchi MV, Ruoss S, Valdivieso P, Mitchell KW, Smith K, Atherton PJ, Narici MV, Flück M; Regional regulation of focal adhesion kinase after concentric and eccentric loading is related to remodeling of human skeletal muscle; Acta Physiol (Oxf); 2018 Feb 13

Fritz B, Bensler S, Leunig M, Zingg PO, Pfirrmann CWA, Sutter R; MRI Assessment of Supra- and Infratrochanteric Femoral Torsion: Association With Femoroacetabular Impingement and Hip Dysplasia; AJR Am J Roentgenol; 2018 May 7; Seiten 1-7

Fritz B, Bensler S, Thawait GK, Raithel E, Stern SE, Fritz J; CAIPIRINHA-accelerated 10-min 3D TSE MRI of the ankle for the diagnosis of painful ankle conditions: Performance evaluation in 70 patients; Eur Radiol; 2018 Jul 23

Fritz B, Müller D, Sutter R, Wurnig C, Wagner M, Pfirrmann CWA, Fischer M; Magnetic Resonance Imaging–Based Grading of Cartilaginous Bone Tumors: Added Value of Quantitative Texture Analysis; Investigative Radiology; 2018 Nov; 53(11):663-672. doi: 10.1097

Fritz J, Ahlawat S, Fritz B, Thawait GK, Stern SE, Raithel E, Klyce W, Lee RJ; 10-Min 3D Turbo Spin Echo MRI of the Knee in Children: Arthroscopy-Validated Accuracy for the Diagnosis of Internal Derangement; J Magn Reson Imaging; 2018 Aug 24 ; doi 10.1002/jmri.26241

Fucentese SF, Janig C; [Indications for joint replacement : Knee arthroplasty]; Z Rheumatol; 2018 Jan 15

Fucentese SF, Tscholl PM, Sutter R, Brucker PU, Meyer DC, Koch PP; Bone autografting in medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy results in improved osseous gap healing on computed tomography, but no functional advantage: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial; Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2018 Nov 19

Gerber C, Canonica S, Catanzaro S, Ernstbrunner L; Longitudinal observational study of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty for irreparable rotator cuff dysfunction: results after 15 years; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2018 Jan 3; S1058-2746(17)30697-3

Germann M, Snedeker JG, Stalder M, Nuss KM, Meyer DC, Farshad M; Incorporating BMP-2 and skeletal muscle to a semitendinosus autograft in an oversized tunnel yields robust bone tunnel ossification in rabbits: Toward single-step revision of failed anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction; Knee; 2018 Jul 26; S0968-0160(18)30583-0

Getzmann JM, Schweizer A; Surgical Resection of a Reversed Palmaris Longus Muscle Causing Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome in a Competitive Swimmer: A Case Report; Orthop J Sports Med; 2018 May

Gilgien M, Kröll J, Spörri J, Crivelli P, Müller E; Application of dGNSS in Alpine Ski Racing: Basis for Evaluating Physical Demands and Safety; Front Physiol; 2018 Mar 6; 9:145.

Grassin-Delyle S, Theusinger OM, Albrecht R, Mueller S, Spahn DR, Urien S, Stein P; Optimisation of the dosage of tranexamic acid in trauma patients with population pharmacokinetic analysis; Anaesthesia; 2018 Feb 7

Grubhofer F, Catanzaro S, Schüpbach R, Imam MA, Wirth S; Compressive Stockings After Hindfoot and Ankle Surgery; Foot Ankle Int; 2018 Feb; 39(2):210-218

Grubhofer F, Imam MA, Wieser K, Achermann Y, Meyer DC, Gerber C; Erratum to: Staged Revision With Antibiotic Spacers for Shoulder Prosthetic Joint Infections Yields High Infection Control; Clin Orthop Relat Res; 2018 Jul; 476(7):1544

Grubhofer F, ImamMD MA, Wieser K, Achermann Y, Meyer DC, Gerber C; Staged Revision With Antibiotic Spacers for Shoulder Prosthetic Joint Infections Yields High Infection Control; Clin Orthop Relat Res; 2018 Jan; 476(1):146-152

Guanziroli N, Hannouche D, Uçkay I; Is malnutrition associated with orthopaedic infections? A single-centre pilot evaluation; J Hosp Infect; 2018 Nov 13; S0195-6701(18)30593-0

Hartmann R, Wirth S; Chirurgische Massnahmen bei therapierefraktärem Ulcus beim diabetischen Fuss; Fuß & Sprunggelenk; 2018 Jun; Volume 16, Issue 2,  Pages 113-117

Hartmann R, Wirth S; Rekonstruktionen mittels Ilizarov Ringfixateur beim diabetischen Fuss; Fuß & Sprunggelenk; 2018 Jun; Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2018, Pages 118-125

Held U, Burgstaller JM, Wertli MM, Pichierri G, Winklhofer S, Brunner F, Porchet F, Farshad M, Steurer J; Prognostic function to estimate the probability of meaningful clinical improvement after surgery - Results of a prospective multicenter observational cohort study on patients with lumbar spinal stenosis; PLoS One; 2018 Nov 8; 13(11):e0207126.

Hirsiger S, Hasler A, Fürnstahl P, Gerber C; Chronic anterior sternoclavicular instability: technique and results of corrective clavicular osteotomy; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2018 Dec 13; S1058-2746(18)30634-7

Hirsiger S, Schweizer A, Miyake J, Nagy L, Fürnstahl P; Corrective Osteotomies of Phalangeal and Metacarpal Malunions Using Patient-Specific Guides: CT-Based Evaluation of the Reduction Accuracy; Hand (N Y); 2018 Nov; 13(6):627-636. doi: 10.1177/1558944717726135. Epub 2017 Sep 12

Hodel S, Laux C, Farei-Campagna J, Götschi T, Bode-Lesniewska B, Müller DA; The Impact of biopsy sampling errors and the quality of surgical margins on local recurrence and survival in chondrosarcoma; Cancer Management and Research; 2018 Sept 21 ; 10 Pages 3765-3771

Jentzsch T, Renner N, Niehaus R, Farei-Campagna J, Deggeller M, Scheurer F, Palmer K, Wirth SH; The influence of the number of screws and additional surgical procedures on outcome in hallux valgus treatment; J Orthop Surg Res; 2018 Apr 25; 13(1):99

Jungmann PM, Bensler S, Zingg P, Fritz B, Pfirrmann CW, Sutter R; Improved Visualization of Juxtaprosthetic Tissue Using Metal Artifact Reduction Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Experimental and Clinical Optimization of Compressed Sensing SEMAC; Invest Radiol; 2018 Sep 5

Jungwirth-Weinberger A, Gerber C, Glenn B, Jentzsch T, Roner S, Meyer DC; Restriction of Passive Glenohumeral Abduction Combined With Normal Passive External Rotation Is a Diagnostic Feature of Calcific Tendinitis; Orthop J Sports Med; 2018 Feb 6; 6(2):2325967117752907

Jungwirth-Weinberger A, Grubhofer F, Imam MA, Bachmann E, Wirth S; Mechanical properties of Triclosan sutures; J Orthop Res; 2018 Jun; 36(6):1777-1782. doi: 10.1002/jor.23814

Kaiser D, Bachmann E, Gerber C, Meyer DC; Influence of the site of acromioplasty on reduction of the critical shoulder angle (CSA) - an anatomical study; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2018 Oct 13; 19(1):371

Kälin PS, Crawford RJ, Marcon M, Manoliu A, Bouaicha S, Fischer MA, Ulbrich EJ; Shoulder muscle volume and fat content in healthy adult volunteers: quantification with DIXON MRI to determine the influence of demographics and handedness; Skeletal Radiol; 2018 Apr 23

Kälin PS, Huber FA, Hamie QM, Issler LS, Farshad-Amacker NA, Ulbrich EJ, Guggenberger R; Quantitative MRI of visually intact rotator cuff muscles by multiecho Dixon-based fat quantification and diffusion tensor imaging; J Magn Reson Imaging; 2019 Jan; 49(1):109-117.

Kalt F, Schulthess B, Sidler F, Herren S, Fucentese SF, Zingg PO, Berli M, Zinkernagel AS, Zbinden R, Achermann Y; Corynebacterium species rarely cause orthopedic infections; J Clin Microbiol; 2018 Oct 10

Kumar NM, Fritz B, Stern SE, Warntjes JBM, Lisa Chuah YM, Fritz J; Synthetic MRI of the Knee: Phantom Validation and Comparison with Conventional MRI; Radiology; 2018 Aug 28 :173007

Laut K, Berli M; Wie bitte? - Ein Podologe als prophylaktische Massnahme beim diabetischen Fusssyndrom!; Fuß & Sprunggelenk; 2018 Jun; Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 109-112

Laux CJ, Hodel SM, Farshad M, Müller DA; Carbon fibre/polyether ether ketone (CF/PEEK) implants in orthopaedic oncology; World J Surg Oncol; 2018 Dec 28; 16(1):241

Lenz CG, Zingg PO, Dora C; Do osteoarthritic subchondral bone cysts spontaneously consolidate after total hip replacement?; Hip Int; 2018 Jul 26

Llewellyn A, McCabe CS, Hibberd Y, White P, Davies L, Marinus J, Perez RGSM, Thomassen I, Brunner F, Sontheim C, Birklein F, Schlereth T, Goebel A, Haigh R, Connett R, Maihöfner C, Knudsen L, Harden RN, Zyluk A, Shulman D, Small H, Gobeil F, Moskovitz P; Are you better? A multi-centre study of patient-defined recovery from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; Eur J Pain; 2018 Mar; 22(3):551-564

Lutter C, Schweizer A, Schöffl V, Römer F, Bayer T; Lumbrical muscle tear: clinical presentation, imaging findings and outcome; J Hand Surg Eur; 2018 Sep; 43(7):767-775. doi: 10.1177/1753193418765716. Epub 2018 Mar 28

Mannil M, Burgstaller JM, Held U, Farshad M, Guggenberger R; Correlation of texture analysis of paraspinal musculature on MRI with different clinical endpoints: Lumbar Stenosis Outcome Study (LSOS); Eur Radiol; 2018 Jun 14

Mannil M, Burgstaller JM, Thanabalasingam A, Winklhofer S, Betz M, Held U, Guggenberger R; Texture analysis of paraspinal musculature in MRI of the lumbar spine: analysis of the lumbar stenosis outcome study (LSOS) data; Skeletal Radiol; 2018 Mar 1

Mascarenhas VV, Rego P, Dantas P, Caetano AP, Jans L, Sutter R, Marques RM, Ayeni OR, Consciência JG; Can We Discriminate Symptomatic Hip Patients From Asymptomatic Volunteers Based on Anatomic Predictors? A 3-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Study on Cam, Pincer, and Spinopelvic Parameters; Am J Sports Med; 2018 Nov; 46(13):3097-3110

McCaskey MA, Wirth B, Schuster-Amft C, de Bruin ED; Postural sensorimotor training versus sham exercise in physiotherapy of patients with chronic non-specific low back pain: An exploratory randomised controlled trial; PLoS One; 2018 Mar 9; 13(3):e0193358

Meyer DC, Bachmann E, Lädermann A, Lajtai G, Jentzsch T; The best knot and suture configurations for high-strength suture material. An in vitro biomechanical study; Orthop Traumatol Surg Res; 2018 Oct 13; S1877-0568(18)30280-9

Meyer DC, Riedo S, Eckers F, Carpeggiani G, Jentzsch T, Gerber C; Small anteroposterior inclination of the acromion is a predictor for posterior glenohumeral erosion (B2 or C); J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2018 Aug 31 ; S1058-2746(18)30422-1

Miletic I, Agten C, Sutter R, Pfirrmann C, Peterson C; Relationship of Radiographic Osteoarthritis Severity with Treatment Outcomes after Imaging-Guided Knee Injections: A Prospective Outcomes Study; Rofo; 2018 Feb; 190(2):134-143. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-112337

Min K, Jud L, Farshad M; Dual Sequential Short Anterior Correction in Double Major Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis; Spine Deform; 2018 Sep - Oct; 6(5):545-551

Molnar C, Scherer A, Baraliakos X, de Hooge M, Micheroli R, Exer P, Kissling RO, Tamborrini G, Wildi LM, Nissen MJ, Zufferey P, Bernhard J, Weber U, Landewé RBM, van der Heijde D, Ciurea A;  Rheumatologists of the Swiss Clinical Quality Management Program; TNF blockers inhibit spinal radiographic progression in ankylosing spondylitis by reducing disease activity: results from the Swiss Clinical Quality Management cohort; Ann Rheum Dis; 2018 Jan; 77(1):63-69

Müller D, Beltrami G, Scoccianti G, Cuomo P, Totti F, Capanna R; Allograft Reconstruction of the Extensor Mechanism after Resection of Soft Tissue Sarcoma; Advances in Orthopedics; 2018 May 22 ; Advances in Orthopedics Volume, Article ID 6275861, 8 pages

Ozdemir F, Fürnstahl P, Goksel O; Learn the new, keep the old: Extending pretrained models with new anatomy and images; MICCAI 20182018 Sep 13, 11073: 361-369; 2018 Jun 1

Plate A, Stadler L, Sutter R, Anagnostopoulos A, Frustaci D, Zbinden R, Fucentese SF, Zinkernagel AS, Zingg PO, Achermann Y; Inflammatory disorders mimicking periprosthetic joint infections may result in false positive α-defensin; Clin Microbiol Infect; 2018 Feb 26; S1198-743X(18)30194-0

Rahm S, Wieser K, Bauer DE, Waibel FW, Meyer DC, Gerber C, Fucentese SF; Efficacy of standardized training on a virtual reality simulator to advance knee and shoulder arthroscopic motor skills; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2018 May 16

Rahm S, Zingg PO; [Indications for joint replacement : Total hip arthroplasty]; Z Rheumatol; 2018 Feb; 77(1):55-65

Randall MJ, Jüngel A, Rimann M, Wuertz-Kozak K; Advances in the Biofabrication of 3D Skin in vitro: Healthy and Pathological Models; Front Bioeng Biotechnol; 2018 eCollect.

Razafiarison T, Holenstein CN, Stauber T, Jovic M, Vertudes E, Loparic M, Kawecki M, Bernard L, Silvan U, Snedeker JG; Biomaterial surface energy-driven ligand assembly strongly regulates stem cell mechanosensitivity and fate on very soft substrates; PNAS; 2018

Rhodin H, Spörri J, Katircioglu I, Constantin V, Meyer F, Müller E, Salzmann M, Fua P; Learning Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Multi-view Images; 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition; 2018

Rittweger J, Albracht K, Flück M, Ruoss S, Brocca L, Longa E, Moriggi M, Seynnes O, Di Giulio , Tenori L, Vignoli A, Capri M, Gelfi C, Luchinat C, Francheschi C, Bottinelli R, Cerretelli P, Narici M; Sarcolab pilot study into skeletal muscle's adaptation to long-term spaceflight; NPJ Microgravity; 2018 Sep 17; 4:18

Roner S, Carrillo F, Vlachopoulos L, Schweizer A, Nagy L, Fuernstahl P; Improving accuracy of opening-wedge osteotomies of distal radius using a patient-specific ramp-guide technique; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2018 Oct 15; 19(1):374

Roner S, Fürnstahl P, Schweizer A, Wieser K; Continuing to work with a sterile thumb splint: A case report; Hand Surg Rehabil; 2018 May 17

Rosskopf A, Berli M; Die Rolle der radiologischen Bildgebung beim Charcot-FussThe role of radiological imaging for treatment of Charcot Foot; Fuß & Sprunggelenk; 2018 Jun; Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 99-108

Rosskopf AB, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CWA, Buck FM; 3D hindfoot alignment measurements based on low-dose biplanar radiographs: a clinical feasibility study; Skeletal Radiol; 2018 Oct 23

Rüdiger HA, Fritz B, Impellizzeri FM, Leunig M, Pfirrmann CW, Sutter R; The external obturator footprint as a landmark in total hip arthroplasty through a direct anterior approach: a CT-based analysis; Hip Int; 2018 May 1:1120700018761320

Ruoss S, Kindt P, Oberholzer L, Rohner M, Jungck L, Abdel-Aziz S, Fitze D, Rosskopf AB, Klein K, von Rechenberg B, Gerber C, Wieser K, Flück M; Inhibition of calpain delays early muscle atrophy after rotator cuff tendon release in sheep; Physiol Rep; 2018 Nov; 6(21):e13833

Saporito A, Ceppi M, Perren A, La Regina D, Cafarotti S, Borgeat A, Aguirre J, Van De Velde M, Teunkens A; Does spinal chloroprocaine pharmacokinetic profile actually translate into a clinical advantage in terms of clinical outcomes when compared to low-dose spinal bupivacaine? A systematic review and meta-analysis; J Clin Anesth; 2018 Sep 17; 52:99-104

Schär MO, Dellenbach S, Pfirrmann CW, Raniga S, Jost B, Zumstein MA; Many Shoulder MRI Findings in Elite Professional Throwing Athletes Resolve After Retirement: A Clinical and Radiographic Study; Clin Orthop Relat Res; 2018 Jan 17

Scheibler AG, Götschi T, Widmer J, Holenstein C, Steffen T, Camenzind RS, Snedeker JG, Farshad M; Feasibility of the annulus fibrosus repair with in situ gelating hydrogels - A biomechanical study; PLoS One; 2018 Dec 6; 13(12):e0208460

Schoenenberger AD, Foolen J, Moor P, Silvan U, Snedeker JG; Substrate fiber alignment mediates tendon cell response to inflammatory signaling; Acta Biomater; 2018 Mar 10; S1742-7061(18)30124-7

Schoenenberger AD, Foolen J, Moor P, Silvan U, Snedeker JG; Substrate fiber alignment mediates tendon cell response to inflammatory signaling; Acta Biomater; 2018

Senteler M, Aiyangar A, Weisse B, Farshad M, Snedeker JG; Sensitivity of intervertebral joint forces to center of rotation location and trends along its migration path; J Biomech; 2018 Mar 21; 70:140-148. doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2017.10.027

Shah J, Votta-Velis EG, Borgeat A; New local anesthetics; Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol; 2018 Jun; 32(2):179-185

Spirig JM, Farshad M; CME Lumbar spinal stenosis; Praxis (Bern 1994); 2018 Jan; 107(1):7-15

Spirig JM, Sutter R, Götschi T, Farshad-Amacker NA, Farshad M; Value of standard radiographs, CT and MRI of the lumbar spine in detection of intraoperatively confirmed pedicle screw loosening - a prospective clinical trial; Spine J; 2018 Jun 26

Spörri J, Kröll J, Fasel B, Aminian K, Müller E; Standing Height as a Prevention Measure for Overuse Injuries of the Back in Alpine Ski Racing: A Kinematic and Kinetic Study of Giant Slalom; Orthop J Sports Med; 2018 Jan 8; B6(1):2325967117747843

Spörri J, Kröll J, Schwameder H, Müller E; The role of path length- and speed-related factors for the enhancement of section performance in alpine giant slalom; Eur J Sport Sci; 2018 Mar 27; Seiten 1-9

Spörri J, Kröll J, Supej M, Müller E; Reducing the back overuse-related risks in alpine ski racing: let's put research into sports practice; Br J Sports Med; 2018 Oct 15; bjsports-2018-100040

Tscholl PM, Ernstbrunner L, Pedrazzoli L, Fucentese SF; The Relationship of Femoral Tunnel Positioning in Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction on Clinical Outcome and Postoperative Complications; Arthroscopy; 2018 May 19; S0749-8063(18)30220-2

Ulrich NH, Burgstaller JM, Steurer J, Farshad M; Editorial on "Lumbar spinal stenosis: comparison of surgical practice variation and clinical outcome in three national spine registries" by Lønne et al; J Spine Surg; 2018 Sep; 4(3):684-686. doi: 10.21037

Valdivieso P, Franchi MV, Gerber C, Flück M; Does a Better Perfusion of Deconditioned Muscle Tissue Release Chronic Low Back Pain?; Front Med (Lausanne); 2018 Mar 20; 5:77

Vlachopoulos L, Carrillo F, Dünner C, Gerber C, Székely G, Fürnstahl P; A Novel Method for the Approximation of Humeral Head Retrotorsion Based on Three-Dimensional Registration of the Bicipital Groove; J Bone Joint Surg Am; 2018 Aug 1 ; 100(15):e101

Vlachopoulos L, Lüthi M, Carrillo F, Gerber C, Székely G, Fürnstahl P; Restoration of the Patient-Specific Anatomy of the Proximal and Distal Parts of the Humerus: Statistical Shape Modeling Versus Contralateral Registration Method; J Bone Joint Surg Am; 2018 Apr 18; 100(8):e50

Vlachopoulos L, Székely G, Gerber C, Fürnstahl P; A scale-space curvature matching algorithm for the reconstruction of complex proximal humeral fractures; Med Image Anal; 2017 Oct 10

Vlajkovic A, Meyer DC,Von Knoch M, Schmid SL,Götschi T, Grubhofer F; The bra strap incision in the open Latarjet procedure; Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research; 2018 Nov 29; 13(1):304

Wieser K; CORR Insights®: Femoral Component Varus Malposition is Associated with Tibial Aseptic Loosening After TKA; Clin Orthop Relat Res; 2018 Feb; 476(2):408-409

Wirth SH, Zimmermann SM, Viehöfer AF; Open Technique for In Situ Subtalar Fusion; Foot Ankle Clin; 2018 Sept; 23(3):461-474

Wunderli SL, Widmer J, Amrein N, Foolen J, Silvan U, Leupin O, Snedeker JG; Minimal mechanical load and tissue culture conditions preserve native cell phenotype and morphology in tendon-a novel ex vivo mouse explant model; J. Orth. Res; 2018

Bücher und Buchkapitel

Aguirre José A.; The role of regional anesthesia (RA) in patients at risk for acute compartment syndrome (ACS). In J. De Andrés (editor); Update on Regional Anesthesia and Pain management; 2018; 405-431

Beeler S, Meyer D, Sutter R; Elbow: What the Surgeon wants to know; In: Reto Sutter; MRI of the Elbow; Breitenseher, Horn, 2018; 117

Brunner F, Michel BA, Baralaiakos X, Zeidler H; Differentialdiagnose der Rückenschmerzen einschliesslich Brachialgien und Ischialgien; In: Zeidler H, Michel BA; Differenzialdiagnose rheumatischer Erkrankungen; Springer, Berlin, 2018; 213-308

Fasel B, Spörri J, Gilgien M, Gerber N, Falbriard M, Müller E, Aminian K.; IMU and GNSS-based Turn Switch Detection in Alpine Ski Racing; In: Maidenhead, UK; Science and Skiing VII; Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2018; 86-92



Flueck M; Therapies for weak muscles; North America Analysis; In: Health and Social Care News; OpenAccessGovernement; 2018

Flueck M; Investigating the mechanics of muscle; In: Health Europa; Mps Austria; 2018

Flueck M; Optimierung der muskuloskelettalen Rehabilitation durch Einbezug individueller Faktoren der zellulären Plastizität/Optimization of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation through Inclusion of Individual Factors of Cellular Plasticit; In: Health Europa; germanjournalsportsmedicine.com; 2018; 283-284

Hodel S, Müller D.; Die Bedeutung der präoperativen Biopsie und Der Resektionsränder in der Behandlung von Chondrosarkomen; In: Leading Opinions Orthopädie & Rheumatologie 4/2018


Kassarjian A, Sutter R; Imaging Protocols; In: Reto Sutter; MRI of the Elbow; Breitenseher, Horn, 2018; 129

Müller A; Metastasentherapie in der Orthopädie; In: Fortbildung - MEDIZIN FORUM; medinfo-verlag; 2018; 27-29

Siegenthaler Andreas, Eichenberger Urs; Ultrasound guided third occipital nerve and cervical medial branch nerve blocks; In Samer N. Narouze (editor); Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Procedures in Interventional Pain Management; 2018; 107-118

Spörri J, Kröll J, Fasel B, Aminian K, Müller E; Indoor carpet skiing in the rehabilitation of competitive Alpine skiers following ACL-reconstruction ─ is it an option?; In: Maidenhead, UK; Science and Skiing; Meyer & Meyer Sport, 2018, 197-206



Knecht Christina; Prognostic Factors for Recurrence of Low Back Pain; Prof. DC PhD Kim Humphreys; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Rossi Diego; Systematische Literaturanalyse und Validitätsprüfung von Messinstrumenten bei der Lumbalstenose; Prof. Steurer Johann; PD Dr. med. Brunner Florian; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Soklic Marinka; Relationship of Radiographic Abnormalities of the Hip to Treatment Outcomes after Imaging-Guided Intra-articular Corticosteroid Hip Injections and Reliability of Imaging Diagnosis; Prof. Pfirrmann Christian; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Weiss Gabriele Bettina; Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features in Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperosto-sis in Conjunction with Clinical Variables to Whole Body MRI and Clinical Variables in Ankylosing Spondylitis; Prof. Pfirrmann Christian; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018


Andreoli Stefano; Nutritional intervention and neuromuscular electric stimulation against down-regulation of muscle anabolism with simulated microgravity; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Bärtschi Nathalie; Symptomatic epiphyseal strain and stress fractures of the finger phalanges in adolescent sport climbers; Prof. Schweizer Andreas; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Bernhard Flurin; Prüfung der Sicherheit des arthroskopisch assistierten Latissimus dorsi Transfers; Prof. em. Gerber Christian; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Bleiker Michael; Retrospektivische Vergleichsstudie der Bildgebung von asymptomatischen und symptomatischen AC-Gelenksarthrosen; PD Dr.med. Bouaicha Samy; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Boente Ulrike; Die Rekonstruktion des medialen Seitenbandes mit postero-obliquem Ligament: Operative Technik und erste klinische Resultat; PD Dr. Fucentese Sandro; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Buchmann Violetta; Anatomische Veränderungen innerhalb der Rotatorenmanschette nach Ruptur und arthroskopischer Rekonstruktion der Supraspinatus Sehne; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Da Silva Yannik; Evaluation der intraoperativen Umsetzung von dreidimensional geplanten Osteotomien in der Handchirurgie mit patienten-spezifischen Zielvorrichtungen durch eine quantitative postoperative Erfolgskontrolle; Prof. Schweizer Andreas; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Epprecht Susanne; Die Frühresultate des Latissimus Doris Transfers als Subscapularisersatz  risikoarm sind und Resultate ergeben, die das Weiterführen dieser Technik rechtfertigen; Prof. em. Gerber Christian; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Frei Annika; Eine Pilotstudie zur personalisierten Kardiorehabilitation; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Fröhlich Selina; CT-based texture analysis of cartilaginous neoplasms; Prof. Pfirrmann Christian; Universität Bern; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Gemperle Milena; Pilotstudie zum Effekt des Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-Genotyps bei kardiovaskulärer Rehabilitation; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Häusler Melanie; Assessing normative data, reliability and the influence of body position and axial load on spinal stiffness by electromechanical measurements in young healthy adults; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Hofstetter Leonie; Instrumented measurement of spinal stiffness: A systematic critical literature review of reliability; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Knecht Christina; Mid Back Pain - trajectories and prognostic factors; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Jungck Ladina; Atrophie des Musculus Infraspinatus nach Ablösen der Sehne im Schaf: Zeitkurs und Einfluss eines Protease-Inhibitors; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Köchli Gian-Luca; Accuracy of 3D-planned, patient specific instrumentation in high tibial; PD Dr. Fucentese Sandro; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Kramer Manuel; Assoziationen der Polymorphismen ACEI/D, Tenascin-C und Actinin-3 mit sportlicher Performance in Spitzensportlern Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Margaroli Lukas; Prevalence of vitamine D insufficiency in radiologists: a cross-sectional study; Prof. Pfirrmann Christian; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Oberholzer Linus; Effect of calpain inhibitors on muscle fiber types after rotator cuff tears in sheep; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Obahor Simon; Einfluss von Veränderungen der Muskelmorphologie des Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus und Teres minor auf das Operationsergebnis nach arthroskopischer Reparatur der rupturierten Supraspinatussehne; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich;
Med. Fakultät; 2018

Pedrazzoli Linda; The Relationship of Femoral Tunnel Positioning in Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Reconstruction on Clinical Outcome and Postoperative Complications; PD Dr. Fucentese Sandro; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Rohner Marco; Einfluss des Calpain Inhibitors Calpeptin auf die Verfettung und Atrophie des Infraspinatus Muskels im Schaf nach Ablösung der Sehne; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Scherrer Yves; Preoperative variance and postoperative change of tibial tuberosity trochlear; PD Dr. Fucentese Sandro; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Schneider Stephanie;    Effektivität einer stationären multimodalen Behandlung bei Patienten mit Komplexem Regionalen Schmerzsyndrom; PD Dr. med. Brunner Florian; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Stutz Yannik; The accuracy of 3D planned bone tumor resections using patient-specific instruments; Prof. Farshad Mazda; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Strähl Mario; Simulation of the forearm pro- and supination using 3D models of bones with included ligaments; Prof. Schweizer Andreas; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Suter Peter Daniel; Ein explorativer Ansatz zum Einfluss muskuloskelettaler Parameter auf die Rehabilitation nach vorderer Kreuzbandrekonstruktion; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Wälti Bastian; Anatomische Veränderungen innerhalb der Rotatorenmanschette nach Ruptur und arthroskopischer Rekonstruktion der gerissenen Musculus Supraspinatus Sehne mit und ohne Re-Ruptur; Prof. Flück Martin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2018

Balgrist Campus: Forschung, Entwicklung und Lehre für Spitzenmedizin am Bewegungsapparat

Zentrum für Paraplegie

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Abt, Dominik; Hechelhammer, Lukas; Müllhaupt, Gautier; Markart, Stefan; Güsewell, Sabine; Kessler, Thomas M; Schmid, Hans-Peter; Engeler, Daniel S; Mordasini, Livio (2018). Comparison of prostatic artery embolisation (PAE) versus transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) for benign prostatic hyperplasia: randomised, open label, non-inferiority trial. BMJ : British medical journal, 361:k2338.

Abt, Dominik; Müllhaupt, Gautier; Mordasini, Livio; Güsewell, Sabine; Markart, Stefan; Zumstein, Valentin; Kessler, Thomas M; Schmid, Hans-Peter; Engeler, Daniel S; Hechelhammer, Lukas (2018). Outcome Prediction of Prostatic Artery Embolization (PAE): Post hoc analysis of a randomized, open label, non-inferiority trial. BJU International:Epub ahead of print.

Anderson CE, Chamberlain JD, Jordan X, Kessler TM, Luca E, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, Brinkhof MW; SwiSCI Study Group (2018). Bladder emptying method is the primary determinant of urinary tract infections in patients with spinal cord injury: results from a prospective rehabilitation cohort study. BJU International, 123(2):342-352.

Baur, Kilian; Speth, Florina; Nagle, Aniket; Riener, Robert; Klamroth-Marganska, Verena (2018). Music meets robotics: a prospective randomized study on motivation during robot aided therapy. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (JNER), 15:79.

Biering-Sørensen, Fin; Kennelly, Michael; Kessler, Thomas M; Linsenmeyer, Todd; Pannek, Jürgen; Vogel, Lawrence; Wyndaele, Jean-Jacques (2018). International spinal cord injury lower urinary tract function basic data set (version 2.0). Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 4:60.

Broicher, Sarah D; Filli, Linard; Geisseler, Olivia; Germann, Nicole; Zörner, Björn; Brugger, P; Linnebank, M (2018). Positive effects of fampridine on cognition, fatigue and depression in patients with multiple sclerosis over 2 years. Journal of Neurology, 265(5):1016-1025.

Buzzell, A; Chamberlain, J D; Gmünder, H P; Hug, K; Jordan, X; Schubert, M; Brinkhof, M W G; SwiSCI Study Group (2018). Survival after non-traumatic spinal cord injury: evidence from a population-based rehabilitation cohort in Switzerland. Spinal Cord:Epub ahead of print.

Bywater, Mirjam; Tornic, Jure; Mehnert, Ulrich; Kessler, Thomas M (2018). Detrusor acontractility after acute spinal cord injury: Myth or reality? Journal of Urology, 199(6):1565-1570.

Chamberlain, Jonviea D; Gmünder, Hans Peter; Hug, Kerstin; Jordan, Xavier; Moser, André; Schubert, Martin; Brinkhof, Martin W G (2018). Differential survival after traumatic spinal cord injury: evidence from a multi-center longitudinal cohort study in Switzerland. Spinal Cord, 56(10):920-930.

Christison, Kathleen; Walter, Matthias; Wyndaele, Jean-Jacques J M; Kennelly, Michael; Kessler, Thomas M; Noonan, Vanessa K; Fallah, Nader; Krassioukov, Andrei V (2018). Intermittent catheterization: The devil is in the details. Journal of Neurotrauma, 35(7):985-989.

Easthope, Christopher Schmidt; Traini, Luca Renato; Awai, Lea; Franz, Martina; Rauter, Georg; Curt, Armin; Bolliger, Marc (2018). Overground walking patterns after chronic incomplete spinal cord injury show distinct response patterns to unloading. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (JNER), 15:102.

Filli, Linard; Sutter, Tabea; Easthope, Christopher S; Killeen, Tim; Meyer, Christian; Reuter, Katja; Lörincz, Lilla; Bolliger, Marc; Weller, Michael; Curt, Armin; Straumann, Dominik; Linnebank, Michael; Zörner, Björn (2018). Profiling walking dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: characterisation, classification and progression over time. Scientific Reports, 8:4984.

Filli L, Werner J, Beyer G, Reuter K, Petersen JA, Weller M, Zörner B, Linnebank M. (2018). Predicting responsiveness to fampridine in gait-impaired patients with multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Neurology (Eur J Neurol.), 26(2):281-289.

Foditsch, Elena E; Roider, Karin; Sartori, Andrea M; Kessler, Thomas M; Kayastha, Sabik Raj; Aigner, Ludwig; Schneider, Marc P (2018). Cystometric and external urethral sphincter measurements in awake rats with implanted catheter and electrodes allowing for repeated measurements. Journal of Visualized Experiments (Jove), 131:e56506.

Freund, Patrick; Thompson, Alan; Curt, Armin; Hupp, Markus; Weiskopf, Nikolaus; Grabher, Patrick; Altmann, Daniel; Friston, Karl; Ashburner, John; Ziegler, Gabriel (2018). Author response: Progressive neurodegeneration following spinal cord injury: Implications for clinical trials. Neurology, 91(21):985.

Gerig, Nicolas; Mayo, Johnathan; Baur, Kilian; Wittmann, Frieder; Riener, Robert; Wolf, Peter (2018). Missing depth cues in virtual reality limit performance and quality of three dimensional reaching movements. PLoS ONE, 13(1):e0189275.

Herzog, Tanja; Swanenburg, Jaap; Hupp, Markus; Mittaz Hager, Anne-Gabrielle (2018). Effect of indoor wheelchair curling training on trunk control of person with chronic spinal cord injury: a randomised controlled trial. Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 4(1):1-6.

Huber, Eveline; David, Gergely; Thompson, Alan J; Weiskopf, Nikolaus; Mohammadi, Siawoosh; Freund, Patrick (2018). Dorsal and ventral horn atrophy is associated with clinical outcome after spinal cord injury. Neurology, 90(17):e1510-e1522.

Hupp, Markus; Pavese, Chiara; Bachmann, Lucas; Koller, Rene; Schubert, Martin (2018). Electrophysiological multimodal assessments improve outcome prediction in traumatic cervical spinal cord injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 35(24):2916-2923.

Jutzeler, Catherine R; Warner, Freda M; Cragg, Jacquelyn J; Haefeli, Jenny; Richards, J Scott; Andresen, Sven R; Finnerup, Nanna B; Mercier, Catherine; Kramer, John L (2018). Placebo response in neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury: a meta-analysis of individual participant data. Journal of Pain Research, 11:901-912.

Kessler, Thomas M; Traini, Luca R; Welk, Blayne; Schneider, Marc P; Thavaseelan, Jeffrey; Curt, Armin (2018). Early neurological care of patients with spinal cord injury. World Journal of Urology, 36(10):1529-1536.

Killeen, Tim; Elshehabi, Morad; Filli, Linard; Hobert, Markus A; Hansen, Clint; Rieger, David; Brockmann, Kathrin; Nussbaum, Susanne; Zörner, Björn; Bolliger, Marc; Curt, Armin; Berg, Daniela; Maetzler, Walter (2018). Arm swing asymmetry in overground walking. Scientific Reports, 8:12803.

Klamroth-Marganska, Verena (2018). Stroke Rehabilitation: Therapy Robots and Assistive Devices. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 1065:579-587.

Knüpfer, Stephanie C; Liechti, Martina D; van der Lely, Stéphanie; Gregorini, Flavia; Schubert, Martin; De Wachter, Stefan; Kessler, Thomas M; Mehnert, Ulrich (2018). Sensory evoked cortical potentials of the lower urinary tract in healthy men. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(8):2614-2624.

Kozomara, Marko; Mehnert, Ulrich; Seifert, Burkhardt; Kessler, Thomas M (2018). Detrusor contraction during rapid bladder filling: Caused by cold or warm water? A randomized controlled double-blind trial. Journal of Urology, 199(1):223-228.

Kucher, Klaus; Johns, Donald; Maier, Doris; Abel, Rainer; Badke, Andreas; Baron, Hagen; Thietje, Roland; Casha, Steven; Meindl, Renate; Gomez-Mancilla, Baltazar; Pfister, Christian; Rupp, Rüdiger; Weidner, Norbert; Mir, Anis; Schwab, Martin E; Curt, Armin (2018). First-in-Man Intrathecal Application of Neurite Growth-Promoting Anti-Nogo-A Antibodies in Acute Spinal Cord Injury. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 32(6-7):578-589.

Malafeev, Alexander; Laptev, Dmitry; Bauer, Stefan; Omlin, Ximena; Wierzbicka, Aleksandra; Wichniak, Adam; Jernajczyk, Wojciech; Riener, Robert; Buhmann, Joachim; Achermann, Peter (2018). Automatic Human Sleep Stage Scoring Using Deep Neural Networks. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 12:781.

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Finazzi-Agro, Enrico; Gammie, Andrew; Kessler, Thomas M; van Koeveringe, Gommert; Serati, Maurizio; Solomon, Eskinder; de Wachter, Stefan; Kirschner-Hermanns, Ruth (2018). Urodynamics Useless in Female Stress Urinary Incontinence? Time for Some Sense-A European Expert Consensus. European Urology Focus:Epub ahead of print.

Gassert, Roger; Dietz, Volker (2018). Rehabilitation robots for the treatment of sensorimotor deficits: a neurophysiological perspective. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation (JNER):15:46.

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Musco, Stefania; Padilla-Fernández, Barbara; Del Popolo, Giulio; Bonifazi, Matteo; Blok, Bertil F M; Groen, Jan; 't Hoen, Lisette; Pannek, Jürgen; Bonzon, Jerome; Kessler, Thomas M; Schneider, Marc P; Gross, Tobias; Karsenty, Gilles; Phé, Véronique; Hamid, Rizwan; Ecclestone, Hazel; Castro-Diaz, David (2018). Value of urodynamic findings in predicting upper urinary tract damage in neuro-urological patients: A systematic review. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(5):1522-1540.

Tornic, Jure; Sartori, Andrea M; Gajewski, Jerzy B; Cox, Ashley; Schneider, Marc P; Youssef, Nadim A; Mordasini, Livio; Chartier-Kastler, Emmanuel; Bachmann, Lucas M; Kessler, Thomas M (2018). Catheterization for treating neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review. A report from the Neuro-Urology Promotion Committee of the International Continence Society (ICS). Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(8):2315-2322.

Tutolo, Manuela; Ammirati, Enrico; Heesakkers, John; Kessler, Thomas M; Peters, Kenneth M; Rashid, Tina; Sievert, Karl-Dietrich; Spinelli, Michele; Novara, Giacomo; Van der Aa, Frank; De Ridder, Dirk (2018). Efficacy and Safety of Sacral and Percutaneous Tibial Neuromodulation in Non-neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction and Chronic Pelvic Pain: A Systematic Review of the Literature. European Urology, 73(3):406-418.

Zumstein, Valentin; Betschart, Patrick; Vetterlein, Malte W; Kluth, Luis A; Hechelhammer, Lukas; Mordasini, Livio; Engeler, Daniel S; Kessler, Thomas M; Schmid, Hans-Peter; Abt, Dominik (2018). Prostatic Artery Embolization versus Standard Surgical Treatment for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Secondary to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. European Urology Focus:Epub ahead of print.

Online Artikel

Klamroth-Marganska V, Riener R. Zukunft der Neurorehabilitation. Therapeutische Umschau, 74(9):524-528.


Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Annen M, Peterson C, Humphreys BK (2018). Comparison of Treatment Outcomes in Nonspecific Low-Back Pain Patients With and Without Modic Changes Who Receive Chiropractic Treatment. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018 Sep;41(7):561-570. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2018.01.008

Buhl C, Artemiev D, Pfiffner F, Swanenburg J, Veraguth D, Roosli C, Huber A, Dalbert A (2018). Dynamic Postural Stability and Hearing Preservation after Cochlear Implantation. Audiol Neurootol. 2018;23(4):222-228. doi: 10.1159/000494247. Epub 2018 Nov 14.

Herzog T, Swanenburg J, Hupp M, Mittaz Hager AG (2018). Effect of indoor wheelchair curling training on trunk control of person with chronic spinal cord injury: a randomised controlled trial. Spinal Cord Ser Cases. 2018 Mar 21;4:26. doi: 10.1038/s41394-018-0057-8. eCollection 2018

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Hofstetter L, Häusler M, Wirth B, Swanenburg J (2018). Instrumented Measurement of Spinal Stiffness: A Systematic Literature Review of Reliability. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018 Oct;41(8):704-711. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2018.03.002. Epub 2019 Jan 3.

Potthoff T, de Bruin ED, Rosser S, Humphreys BK, Wirth B (2018). A systematic review on quantifiable physical risk factors for non-specific adolescent low back pain. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2018;11(2):79-94. doi: 10.3233/PRM-170526.

Wirth B, Potthoff T, Rosser S, Humphreys BK, de Bruin ED (2018). Physical risk factors for adolescent neck and mid back pain: a systematic review. Chiropr Man Therap. 2018 Sep 24;26:36. doi: 10.1186/s12998-018-0206-y. eCollection 2018.


Vrana A, Scholkmann F, Wirth B, Flueck M, Humphreys BK, Changes in Spinal Muscle Oxygenation and Perfusion during the Biering-Sørensen Test: Preliminary Results of a Study Employing NIRS-based Muscle Oximetry; Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology; Oxygen Transport to Tissue XL (Volume 1072); editors: Oliver Thews, Joseph C. LaManna, David K. ; 2018, pages 103-109