Alternative und nachhaltige Behandlungsmethode im Kampf gegen resistente Keime

«ImmunoPhage» heisst das Flagship-Projekt 2020 der Hochschulmedizin Zürich. Es zielt auf die Bedrohung durch Antibiotikaresistenzen. Der Ansatz der Phagentherapie wird mittels Bio-Engineering und Immunmodulation weiterentwickelt.

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Bakterielle Infektionen gehören auch knapp 100 Jahre nach der Entdeckung der ersten Antibiotika zu den schwerwiegendsten Gesundheitsproblemen. Sie werden meist mit Antibiotika behandelt. Allerdings hat diese Praxis massive Nebenwirkungen, darunter die Entwicklung von Antibiotikaresistenzen und die Störung des normalen Mikrobioms. Hier setzt das Flagship-Projekt 2020 der Hochschulmedizin Zürich an. ImmunoPhage zielt auf die Bedrohung durch Antibiotikaresistenzen. Von designten und immunmodulierten Viren, sogenannten «Immunophagen», erhofft man sich eine Alternative zur Behandlung mit Antibiotika. Die partnerschaftliche Forschungskooperation vereint die Kompetenzen der ETH, des Universitätsspitals Zürich (USZ), der Universität Zürich und der Universitätsklinik Balgrist.

Mit Bakterienkillern und Immunboostern gegen Harnwegsinfekte

Mit dem Projekt «ImmunoPhage» wollen die Forschenden eine alternative und nachhaltige Behandlungsmethode für Harnwegsinfekte entwickeln, die dann gegebenenfalls auf weitere Anwendungsgebiete ausgedehnt werden kann. Basis für das aktuelle Forschungsprojekt «ImmunoPhage» ist das Konzept der Phagentherapie. Ein Team um Prof. Dr. med. Thomas M. Kessler, Chefarzt Neuro-Urologie am Balgrist, hat die weltweit erste randomisierte Doppelblindstudie mit natürlich vorkommenden Phagen zur Behandlung von Harnwegsinfektionen durchgeführt. Geforscht haben sie in Georgien, wo diese Methode seit jeher parallel zur Therapie mit herkömmlichen Antibiotika eingesetzt wird. «ImmunoPhage» erweitert diesen Behandlungsansatz nun um zwei Komponenten: Zum einen werden «Designer-Bakteriophagen» eingesetzt, die spezifisch auf die gängigen, Harnwegsinfekte auslösenden Bakterien abgerichtet werden. Zum anderen werden diese «Bakterienkiller» mit Botenstoffen angereichert, die das Immunsystem stimulieren sollen. Diese Methode soll bei einer der häufigsten Erkrankungen getestet werden, nämlich bei wiederkehrenden Harnwegsinfektionen. Das Ziel ist eine neue, nachhaltige Alternative zur Antibiotikatherapie.

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Publikationen 2020

Unsere Forscherinnen und Forscher veröffentlichen regelmässig ihre neusten Erkenntnisse in verschiedenen Fachmagazinen. Nachfolgend finden Sie die Publikationen des vergangenen Jahres.

Orthopädische Klinik (inkl. Anästhesie, Radiologie und Rheumatologie)

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Abbas M, Rossel A, de Kraker MEA, von Dach E, Marti C, Emonet S, Harbarth S, Kaiser L, Uçkay I.; Association between treatment duration and mortality or relapse in adult patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia: a retrospective cohort study; Clin Microbiol Infect; 2020 May 26

Achermann Y, Kusejko K, Auñón Á, Clauss M, Corvec S, Esteban J, Fernandez-Sampedro M, Ferrari MC, Gassmann N, Jent P, Jost B, Kouyos RD, Kramer TS, Lora-Tamayo J, Morand PC, Benito N, Pablo-Marcos D, Patel R, Scanferla G, Sendi P, Slama D, Stadelmann VA, Strahm C, Thurnheer C, Trebše R, Uckay I, Vijayvargiya P, Waldmann I, Wouthuyzen-Bakker M.; The impact of surgical strategy and rifampin on treatment outcome in Cutibacterium periprosthetic joint infections; Clin Inf Dis; 2020 Dec 10

Agten CA, Kobe A, Barnaure I, Galley J, Pfirrmann CW, Brunner F.; MRI of complex regional pain syndrome in the foot; Eur J Radiol; 2020 Aug 1

Ammann E, Uçkay I, Bouaicha S, Wieser K, Meyer DC.; Little benefit of surgical anchor and suture removal and of antibiotic therapy beyond 6 weeks in infected rotator cuff repair; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2020 Apr 29

Andronic O,  Achermann Y, Jentzsch T,  Bearth F, Schweizer A, Wieser K, Fucentese S, Rahm S, Zinkernagel A, Zingg P; Factors affecting outcome in the treatment of streptococcal perisprosthetic joint infections: results form a single-centre retrospective cohort study; Int Orthop; 2020 Aug 27

Andronic O, Boeni T, Burkhard M, Kaiser D, Berli M, Waibel F; Modifications of the pirogoff amputation technique in adults; Journal of Orthopaedics; 2020 Mar

Andronic O, Ernstbrunner L, Jüngel A, Wieser K, Bouaicha S.; Biomarkers associated with idiopathic frozen shoulder: a systematic review; Connect Tissue Res; 2020 Nov

Andronic O, Weiss O, Shoman H, Kriechling P, Khanduja V; "What are the outcomes of core decompression without augmentation in patients with nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head?"; International Orthopaedics; 2020 Jan 31

Beeler S, Jud L, von Atzigen M, Sutter R, Fürnstahl P, Fucentese SF, Vlachopoulos L; Three-dimensional meniscus allograft sizing -  a study of 280 healthy menisci; J Orthop Surg Res; 2020 Feb 24

Beeler S, Vlachopoulos L, Jud L, Sutter R, Götschi T, Fürnstahl P, Fucentese SF  ; Meniscus sizing using three-dimensional models of the ipsilateral tibia plateau based on CT scans; J Exp Orthop ; 2020 May 27

Bekker S, Bolling C, Ahmed OH, Badenhorst M, Carmichael J, Fagher K, Hägglund M, Jacobsson J, John JM, Litzy K, Mann RH, McKay CD, Mumford S, Tabben M, Thiel A, Timpka T, Thurston J, Truong LK, Spörri J, van Nassau F, Verhagen EA; Athlete health protection: Why qualitative research matters; J Sci Med Sport; 2020 Jul 3

Berli MC, Higashigaito K, Götschi T, Pfirrmann CWA, Sutter R, Rosskopf AB.; The "Balgrist Score" for evaluation of Charcot foot: a predictive value for duration of off-loading treatment; Skeletal Radiol.; 2020 Jul 23

Berli MC, Jundt-Ecker M, Meier MR, Hofer M, Schöni M, Götschi T, Uçkay I, Böni, Waibel FA; Resting TcPO2 levels decrease during liner wear in persons with a transtibial amputation; PLOS ONE; 2020 Sep 28

Besmens IS, Guidi M, Frueh FS, Uyulmaz S, Lindenblatt N, Reissner L, Calcagni M; Finger reconstruction with dorsal metacarpal artery perforator flaps and dorsal finger perforator flaps based on the dorsal branches of the palmar digital arteries - 40 consecutive cases; J Plast Surg Hand Surg; 2020 Aug

Betz M, Aguirre J, Schubert M, Götschi T, Huber B, Schüpbach R, Brada M, Spirig JM, Farshad M; Hand or foot train-of-four tests and surgical site muscle relaxation assessed with multiple motor evoked potentials; Eur J Anaesthesiol; 2020 Nov 27

Betz M, Uçkay I, Schüpbach R, Gröber T, Botter SM, Burkhard J, Holy D, Achermann Y, Farshad M; Short postsurgical antibiotic therapy for spinal infections; Trials; 2020 Feb 6

Bian Y, Zheng R, Bayer FP, Wong C, Chang YC, Meng C, Zolg DP, Reinecke M, Zecha J, Wiechmann S, Heinzlmeir S, Scherr J, Hemmer B, Baynham M, Gingras AC, Boychenko O, Kuster B.; Robust, reproducible and quantitative analysis of thousands of proteomes by micro-flow LC-MS/MS; Nat Commun; 2020 Jan 11

Bouaicha S, Wieser K, Kriechling P, Scholz-Odermatt SM; A large-scale assessment of the healthcare burden of adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder join; Swiss Med Wkly; 2020 Feb 21

Brunner F; Pathophysiology and Diagnosis of Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome; Ther Umsch; 2020 Aug

Burgstaller JM, Steurer J, Gravestock I, Brunner F, Fekete TF, Pichierri G, Ulrich NH, Winklhofer S, Porchet F, Farshad M, LSOS Study Group ; Long-term Results After Surgical or Nonsurgical Treatment in Patients With Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis; Spine ; 2020 Aug 1

Burgstaller JM, Wertli MM, Ulrich NH, Pichierri G, Brunner F, Farshad M, Porchet F, Steurer J, Gravestock I; LSOS Study Group; Evaluating the Minimal Clinically Important Difference of EQ-5D-3L in Patients with Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis; Spine; 2020 Sep 15

Burkhard MD, Loretz R, Uçkay I, Bauer DE, Betz M, Farshad M; "Occult infection in pseudarthrosis revision after spinal fusion"; Spine J; 2020 Oct 17

Cambria E, Arlt MJE, Wandel S, Krupkova O, Hitzl W, Passini FS, Hausmann ON, Snedeker JG, Ferguson SJ, Wuertz-Kozak K.; TRPV4 Inhibition and CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout Reduce Inflammation Induced by Hyperphysiological Stretching in Human Annulus Fibrosus Cells; Cells; 2020 Jul 21

Caprara S, Moschini G, Snedeker JG, Farshad M, Senteler M.; Spinal sagittal alignment goals based on statistical modelling and musculoskeletal simulations; J Biomechanics; 2020 Mar 26

Carpeggiani Guilherme, Hodel Sandro, Götschi Tobias, Kriechling Philipp, Bösch Marco, Meyer Dominik C, Wieser Karl; Os Acromiale in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty; Orthop J Sports Med; 2020 Nov 24

Carrillo F, Roner S, von Atzigen M, Schweizer A, Nagy L, Vlachopoulos L, Snedeker JG, Fürnstahl P; An automatic genetic algorithm framework for the optimization of three-dimensional surgical plans of forearm corrective osteotomies; Med Image Anal; 2020 Feb

Carrillo F, Suter S, Casari FA, Sutter R, Nagy L, Snedeker JG, Fürnstahl P; Digitalization of the IOM: A comprehensive cadaveric study for obtaining three-dimensional models and morphological properties of the forearm’s interosseous membran; Sci Rep; 2020 Apr 14

Casari FA, Germann C, Weigelt L, Wirth S, Viehöfer A, Ackermann J ; The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus; Cartilage ; 2020 Aug 1

Cornaz F, Fasser MR, Spirig JM, Snedeker JG, Farshad M, Widmer J.; 3D printed clamps improve spine specimen fixation in biomechanical testing; J Biomechanics; 2020 Jan 2

Cornaz F, Widmer J, Snedeker Spirig JM, Farshad M; Cross-links in posterior pedicle screw-rod instrumentation of the spine; Eur Spine J; 2020 Oct 3

Cornaz Frédéric, Valet Sebastian, Meyer Dominik Christoph; Spectroscopic characterization of tissue and liquids during arthroscopic radio-frequency ablation; Med Phys; 2020 Aug

Dennler C, Jaberg L, Spirig J, Agten C, Götschi T, Fürnstahl P, Farshad M; Augmented reality-based navigation increases precision of pedicle screw insertion; J Orthop Surg Res; 2020 May 14

Dudli S, Ballatori A, Bay-Jensen A, McCormick Z, O'Neill C, Demir-Deviren S, Krug R, Heggli I, Juengel A, Karppinen J, Brunner F, Farshad M, Distler O, Lotz J, Fields A; Serum Biomarkers for Connective Tissue and Basement Membrane Remodeling Are Associated With Vertebral Endplate Bone Marrow Lesions as Seen on MRI (Modic Changes); Int J Mol Sci; 2020 May 27

Ellenberger L, Jermann J, Fröhlich S, Frey WO, Snedeker JG, Spörri J; "Biomechanical quantification of deadbug bridging performance in competitive alpine skiers: Reliability, reference values, and associations with skiing performance and back overuse complaints"; Phys Ther Sport; 2020 Jul 1

Ellenberger L, Oberle F, Lorenzetti S, Frey WO, Snedeker J, Spörri J; Dynamic knee valgus in competitive alpine skiers: Observation from youth to elite and influence of biological maturation; Scand J Med Sci Sports; 2020 Mar 18

Engel H, Herget GW, Füllgraf H, Sutter R, Benndorf M, Bamberg F, Jungmann PM.; Chondrogenic Bone Tumors: The Importance of Imaging Characteristics; Rofo; 2020 Nov 5

Ernstbrunner L, Andronic O, Grubhofer F, Jundt-Ecker M, Fucentese S; "The Effect of Patellar Positioning on Femoral Component Rotation when Performing Flexion Gap Balancing Using a Tensioning Device for Total Knee Arthroplasty"; J Knee Surg; 2020 Jul 14

Ernstbrunner L, De Nard B, Olthof M, Beeler S, Bouaicha S, Gerber C, Wieser K; Long-term Results of the Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability in Patients Older Than 40 Years; Am J Sports Med; 2020 Jun 24

Ernstbrunner L, El Nashar R, Bouaicha S, Wieser K, Gerber C; Scapular Morphologic Characteristics and Rotator Cuff Tear Pattern Are Independently Associated With Chronic Pseudoparalyis; Am J Sports Med; 2020 Jun 16

Ernstbrunner L, Nashar R, Favre P, Bouaicha S, Wieser K, Gerber C; Chronic Pseudoparalysis Needs to Be Distinguished From Pseudoparesis; Am J Sports Med; 2020 Nov 30

Ernstbrunner L, Borbas P, Rohner M, Brun S, Bachmann E, Bouaicha S, Wieser K; Biomechanical analysis of arthroscopically assisted latissimus dorsi transfer fixation for irreparable posterosuperior rotator cuff tears- Knotless versus knotted anchors; J Orthop Res; 2020 Dec 17

Ernstbrunner L, Jessen M, Wieser K; Anatomic healing after non operative treatment of a large displaced anterior glenoid rim fracture after primary traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2020 June 9

Ertuğrul B, Uçkay I, Schöni M, Peter-Riesch B, Lipsky B.A.; "Management of diabetic foot infections in the light of recent literature and new international guidelines"; Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther; 2020 Apr

Evrova O, Bürgisser GM, Ebnöther C, Adathala A, Calcagni M, Bachmann E, Snedeker JG, Scalera C, Giovanoli P, Vogel V, Buschmann J.; Elastic and surgeon friendly electrospun tubes delivering PDGF-BB positively impact tendon rupture healing in a rabbit Achilles tendon model; Biomaterials ; 2020 Feb

Farshad M, Kutschke L, Laux C, Kabelitz M, Schüpbach R, Böni T, Jentzsch T; "Extreme long‑term outcome of operatively versus conservatively Extreme Long-Term Outcome of Operatively Versus Conservatively Treated Patients With Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis"; Eur Spine J; 2020 Aug

Fernandez María T, Lopez Servando, Aguirre Jose A, Andrés Judith, Ortigosa Esperanza; Serratus- Intercostal Interfascial Plane Block in Supraumbilical Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Comparison; Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim; 2020 Dez 15

Filli L, Jungmann PM, Zingg PO, Rüdiger HA, Galley J, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CWA.; MRI with state-of-the-art metal artifact reduction after total hip arthroplasty: periprosthetic findings in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients; Eur Radiol; 2020 Apr

Fischer T, Stern C, Freund P, Schubert M, Sutter R.; Wallerian degeneration in cervical spinal cord tracts is commonly seen in routine T2-weighted MRI after traumatic spinal cord injury and is associated with impairment in a retrospective study; Eur Radiol; 2020 Oct 30

Fischer T, Stern C, Fritz B, Zingg PO, Pfirrmann CWA, Sutter R.; Impact of stem design and cementation on postoperative femoral antetorsion in 227 patients with total hip arthroplasty (THA); Skeletal Radiol; 2020 Jun 25

Flück M, Fitze D, Ruoss S, Valdivieso P, von Rechenberg B, Bratus-Neuenschwander A, Opitz L, Hu J, Laczko E, Wieser K, Gerber C; "Down-Regulation of Mitochondrial Metabolism after Tendon Release Primes Lipid Accumulation in Rotator Cuff Muscle"; The American Journal of Pathology; 2020 Jul

Flury A, Hoch A, Andronic O, Fritz B, Imhoff FB, Fucentese SF; Increased femoral antetorsion correlates with higher degrees of lateral retropatellar cartilage degeneration further accentuated in genu valgum; Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2020 Aug 12

Flury A, Jud L, Hoch A, Camenzind RS, Fucentese SF; Linear influence of distal femur osteotomy on the Q-angle: one degree of varization alters the Q-angle by one degree; Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2020 Apr 9

Flury A, Viehöfer AF, Hoch A, Vlachopoulos L, Wirth SH, Imhoff FB; Talar neck angle correlates with tibial torsion Guidance for 3D and 2D measurements in total ankle replacement; J Orthop Res; 2020 Nov 28

Flury A, Weigelt L, Camenzind RS, Fritz B, Hasler J, Baumgaertner B, Helmy N, Fucentese SF; Total and Unicondylar Knee Arthroplasty Are Equivalent Treatment Options in End Stage Spontaneous Osteonecrosis of the Knee and the Size of the Lesion Has No Influence on the Results; Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2020 Jul 1

Franchi MV, Fitze DP, Raiteri BJ, Hahn D, Spörri J; Ultrasound-derived Biceps Femoris Long Head Fascicle Length: Extrapolation Pitfalls; Med Sci Sports Exerc; 2020 Jan

Franchi MV, Fitze DP,Hanimann J, Sarto F, Spörri J; Panoramic ultrasound versus MRI for the assessment of hamstrings cross-sectional area and volume in a large athletic cohort; Scientific Reports; 2020 Aug 24


Fritz B, Fucentese SF, Zimmermann SM, Tscholl PM, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CWA.; 3D-printed anatomic models of the knee for evaluation of patellofemoral dysplasia in comparison to standard radiographs and computed tomography; Eur J Radiol; 2020 Apr 18

Fritz B, Marbach G, Civardi F, Fucentese S, Pfirrmann C; Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Detection of Meniscus Tears; Skeletal Radiol ; 2020 Mar 13

Fritz B, Marbach G, Civardi F, Fucentese SF, Pfirrmann CWA.; Correction to: Deep convolutional neural network-based detection of meniscus tears: comparison with radiologists and surgery as standard of reference; Skeletal Radiol; 2020 Aug

Fritz B, Parkar AP, Cerezal L, Storgaard M, Boesen M, Åström G, Fritz J.; Sports Imaging of Team Handball Injuries; Semin Musculoskelet Radiol; 2020 Sep 28

Fröhlich S, Helbling M, Fucentese SF, Karlen W, Frey WO, Spörri J; Injury risks among elite competitive alpine skiers are underestimated if not registered prospectively, over the entire season and regardless of whether requiring medical attention; Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc; 2020 Jun 16

Fröhlich S, Pazeller S, Cherati AS J, Müller E, Frey WO, Spörri J; Overuse injuries of the knee, back and hip in female elite competitive alpine skiers during the off-season preparation period: prevalence, severity and their association with traumatic pre-injuries and training load; BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med; 2020 Dec 24

Fröhlich S, Peterhans L, Stern C, Frey W.O, Sutter R, Spörri J ; Remarkably High Prevalence of Overuse-Related Knee Complaints and MRI Abnormalities in Youth Competitive Alpine Skiers A Descriptive Investigation in 108 Athletes Aged 13-15 Years ; BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med ; 2020 May 30

Fröhlich S, Zimmermann SM, Sutter R, Frey WO, Spörri J; Medial Malleolar Bursitis in an Elite Competitive Alpine Skier; Curr Sports Med Rep ; 2020 Oct

Fucentese SF, Meier P, Jud L, Köchli GL, Aichmair A, Vlachopoulos L, Fürnstahl P; Accuracy of 3D-planned patient specific instrumentation in high tibial open wedge valgisation osteotomy; J Exp Orthop; 2020 Feb 27

Fuchs N, Meier LA, Giesen T, Calcagni M, Reissner L; Long-term results after semiconstrained distal radioulnar joint arthroplasty: A focus on complication; Hand Surg Rehabil; 2020 May

Fürnstahl P, Casari FA, Ackermann J, Marcon M, Leunig M, Ganz R; Computer assisted femoral head reduction osteotomies: an approach for anatomic reconstruction of severely deformed Legg-Calvé-Perthes hips; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2020 Nov 18

Galley J, Sutter R, Stern C, Filli L, Rahm S, Pfirrmann CWA.; Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Hip Joint Infection Using MRI with Metal Artifact Reduction at 1.5 T; Radiology; 2020 May 12

Gariani K, Lebowitz D , Kressmann B , Gariani J , Uçkay I  ; X-Ray Versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis; Curr Diabetes Rev ; 2020 Jul 29

Gariani K, Pham TT, Kressmann B, Jornayvaz FR, Gastaldi G, Stafylakis D, Philippe J, Lipsky BA, Uçkay I; Three versus six weeks of antibiotic therapy for diabetic foot osteomyelitis; Clin Infect Dis; 2020 Nov 26

Gariani K, Waibel F, Viehöfer A, Uçkay I; Plantar Fasciitis in Diabetic Foot Patients: Risk Factors, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management; Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes; 2020 Apr 22

Gautschi M, Bachmann E, Shirota C, Götschi T, Renner N, Wirth SH; Biomechanics of Ankle Ligament Reconstruction; Orthop J Sports Med; 2020 Oct 22

Gerber C, Meyer DC, Wieser K, Sutter R, Schubert M, Kriechling P ; Suprascapular nerve decompression in addition to rotator cuff repair; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2020 Aug

Gerber N, Carrillo F, Abegg D, Sutter R, Zheng G, Fürnstahl P; Evaluation of CT-MR Image Registration Methodologies for 3D Preoperative Planning of Forearm Surgeries; J Orthop Res; 2020 Sep

Germann C, Filli L, Jungmann PM, Graf DN, Fritz J, Pfirrmann CWA, Sutter R.; Prospective and longitudinal evolution of postoperative periprosthetic findings on metal artifact-reduced MR imaging in asymptomatic patients after uncemented total hip arthroplasty; Skeletal Radiol; 2020 Nov 9

Germann C, Marbach G, Civardi F, Fucentese SF, Fritz J, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CWA, Fritz B.; Deep Convolutional Neural Network-Based Diagnosis of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tears: Performance Comparison of Homogenous Versus Heterogeneous Knee MRI Cohorts With Different Pulse Sequence Protocols and 1.5-T and 3-T Magnetic Field Strengths; Invest Radiol; 2020 Aug

Germann C, Sutter R, Nanz D.; Novel observations of Pacinian corpuscle distribution in the hands and feet based on high-resolution 7-T MRI in healthy volunteers; Skeletal Radiol; 2020 Nov 6

Ghazali ZS, Eskandari M, Bonakdar S, Renaud P, Mashinchian O, Shalileh S, Bonini F, Uçkay I, Preynat-Seauve O, Braschler T; Neural Priming of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells by Cell-Imprinted Substrates; Biofabrication; 2020 Oct 30

Gilgien M, Crivelli P, Kröll J, Luteberget L, Müller E, Spörri J; Preventing injuries in alpine skiing giant slalom by shortening the vertical distance between the gates rather than increasing the horizontal gate offset to control speed; Br J Sports Med; 2020 Sep

González-Arnay Emilio, Jiménez-Sánchez Lorena, García-Simón Diego, Valdés-Vilches Luis, Salazar-Zamorano Carlos H, Boada-Pié Sergi, Aguirre José, Eichenberger Urs, Fajardo-Pérez Mario; Ultrasonography- guided anterior approach to the axillary nerve block: an anatomic study; Clinical Anatomy ; 2020 May

Götschi T, Rosenberg G, Li X, Zhang C, Bachmann E, Snedeker J, Fucentese S; Biomechanical Evaluation of a Novel Loop Retention Mechanism for Cortical Graft Fixation in ACL Reconstruction; Orthop J Sports Med; 2020 Feb 25

Grubhofer F, Muniz Martinez AR, Haberli J, Selig ME, Ernstbrunner L, Mark PD, Warner JJ; Does Computerized CT-based 3D Planning Of The Humeral Head Cut Help To Restore The Anatomy Of The Proximal Humerus After Stemless Total Shoulder Arthroplasty?; J Shoulder Elbow Surg ; 2020 Sep 17

Haiderbhai M, Ledesma S, Lee S.C, Seibold M, Fürnstahl P, Navab N, Fallavollita P; Pix2xray:Converting RGB Images into X-rays Using Generative Adversarial Networks; International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery; 2020 Apr 27

Häller TV, Kaiser P, Kaiser D, Berli MC, Uçkay I, Waibel FWA; Outcome of ray resection as definitive treatment in forefoot infection or ischemia; J Foot Ankle Surg; 2020 Jan

Hasler A, Meyer DC, Tondelli T, Dietrich T, Gerber C; "Radiographic performance depends on the radial glenohumeral mismatch in total shoulder arthroplasty"; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2020 Apr 3

Hecker A, Aguirre J, Eichenberger U, Rosner J, Schubert M, Sutter R, Wieser K, Bouaicha S; Deltoid Muscle Contribution to Shoulder Flexion and Abduction Strength; J Shoulder Elbow Surg ; 2020 Jun 12

Hecker A, Jungwirth-Weinberger A, Bauer MR, Tondelli T, Uçkay I, Wieser K.; The accuracy of joint aspiration for the diagnosis of shoulder infections; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2020 Mar 29

Helder O, Marks M, Schweizer A, Herren DB, Schindele S; Complications after surface replacing and silicone PIP arthroplasty; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg; 2020 Nov 7

Hoch A, Jud L, Roth T, Vlachopoulos L, Fürnstahl P, Fucentese SF; A real 3D measurement technique for the tibial slope differentiation between different articular surfaces and comparison to radiographic slope measurement; BMCM; 2020 Sep 26

Hoch A, Schenk P, Jentzsch T, Rahm S, Zingg P; FAI Morphology Increases the Risk for Osteoarthritis in Young People With a Minimum Follow-Up of 25 Years ; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg; 2020 Jun 29

Horton ER, Vallmajo-Martin Q, Martin I, Snedeker JG, Ehrbar M, Blache U.; Extracellular Matrix Production by Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Hydrogels Facilitates Cell Spreading and Is Inhibited by FGF-2; Adv Healtc Mater; 2020 April

Horvath AN, Holenstein CN, Silvan U, Snedeker JG.; The Protein Mat(ters)-Revealing the Biologically Relevant Mechanical Contribution of Collagen- and Fibronectin-Coated Micropatterns; ACS Appl Mater Interfaces; 2020 Jan

Imam MA, Neumann J, Siebert W, Mai S, Verborgt O, Eckers F, Jacobs L, Meyer DC; Prospective multicentre mid-term clinical and radiological outcomes of 159 reverse total shoulder replacements and assessment of the influence of post-operative complications; Am J Sports Med; 2020 Dec 20

Jud L, Andronic O, Vlachopoulos L, Fucentese S, Zingg P; Mal angulation of Femoral Rotational Osteotomies Causes More Postoperative Sagittal Mechanical Leg Axis Deviation in Supracondylar Than in Subtrochanteric Procedures ; J Exp Orthop; 2020 Jul 1

Jud L, Fotouhi J,  Andronic O,  Aichmair A, Osgood G, Navab N, Farshad M; Applicability of augmented reality in orthopedic surgery - A systematic review; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2020 Feb 15

Jud L, Roth T, Fürnstahl P, Vlachopoulos L, Sutter R, Fucentese S; The Impact of Limb Loading and the Measurement Modality (2D Versus 3D) on the Measurement of the Limb Loading Dependent Lower Extremity Parameters; BMC Musculoskelet Disord ; 2020 Jun 30

Jud L, Singh S, Tondelli T, Fürnstahl P, Fucentese S, Vlachopoulos L; "Combined Correction of Tibial Torsion and Tibial Tuberosity–Trochlear Groove Distance by Supratuberositary Torsional Osteotomy of the Tibia"; The American Journal of Sports Medicine; 2020 Jul

Jud L, Vlachopoulos L, Beeler S, Tondelli T, Fürnstahl P, Fucentese S; Accuracy of three dimensional-planned patient specific instrumentation in femoral and tibial rotational osteotomy for patellofemoral instability; Int Orthop; 2020 Sep

Jud L, Vlachopoulos L, Häller TV, Fucentese SF, Rahm S, Zingg PO; "The impact of mal-angulated femoral rotational osteotomies on mechanical leg axis: a computer simulation model"; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders; 2020 Jan 23

Kaiser D, Hoch A, Kriechling P, Graf DN, Waibel FWA, Gerber C, Müller DA; The influence of different patient positions on the preoperative 3D planning for surgical resection of soft tissue sarcoma in the lower limb; Surgical Oncology; 2020 Oct 21

Kaiser D, Trummler L, Götschi T, Waibel FWA, Snedeker JG, Fucentese SF; Patellofemoral instability in trochleodysplastic knee joints and thequantitative influence of simulated trochleoplasty – A finite element simulation; Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon); 2020 Nov 9

Kaiser D, Zimmerli N, Hartmann R, Bachmann E, Kühn KD, Meyer DC; Systematic Biomechanical Analysis of Prerequisites for Reliable Intraoperative Bonding of Polymethylmethacrylate Bone Cement in Preexisting Cement in Revision Arthroplasty; Orthopaedics; 2020 Oct 21

Kalimeris K, Rupnik B, Allenspach K, Fucentese S, Götschi T, Aguirre J, Eichenberger U; Dislocation Rates of Perineural Catheters Placed Either Perpendicular or Parallel to the Femoral Nerve; Eur J Anaesthesiol ; 2020 Sep

Kiarostami P, Dennler C, Roner S, Sutter R, Fürnstahl P, Farshad M, Rahm S, Zingg PO; Augmented reality guided periacetabular osteotomy proof of concept; J Orthop Surg Res; 2020 Nov 17

Kriechling P, Bouaicha S, Andronic O, Uçkay I, Bock D, Wieser K; Limited improvement and high rate of complication in patients undergoing reverse total shoulder arthroplasty for previous native shoulder infection; J Shoulder Elbow Surg ; 2020 Jun 9

Kriechling P, Loucas R, Loucas M, Künzler T, Gerber C, Wieser K.; Primary reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in patients older than 80 years: clinical and radiologic outcome measures; J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 2020 Aug 7

Kriechling P, Roner S, Liebmann F, Casari F, Fürnstahl P, Wieser K ; Augmented reality for base plate component placement in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg; 2020 Jul 26

Laux C, Bauer D, Kohler A, Uçkay I, Farshad M; Disproportionate Case Reduction After Ban of Elective Surgeries During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic; Clin Spine Surg; 2020 May 29

Laux C, Villefort C, Ehrbar S, Wilke L, Guckenberger M, Müller DA; Carbon Fiber/Polyether Ether Ketone (CF/PEEK) Implants Allow for More Effective Radiation in Long Bones; MDPI; 2020 Apr 9

Lechner K, Halle M, Scherr J, Drezner JA.; Exercise recommendations in athletes with coronary artery calcification; Eur J Prev Cardiol; 2020 May

Lechner K, McKenzie AL, Kränkel N, Von Schacky C, Worm N, Nixdorff U, Lechner B, Scherr J, Weingärtner O, Krauss RM.; High-Risk Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Phenotype: The Roles of Ectopic Adiposity, Atherogenic Dyslipidemia, and Inflammation; Metab Syndr Relat Disord; 2020 Mar 3

Lechner K, Spanier B, Lechner B, Scherr J.; Your athlete-patient has a high coronary artery calcification score-'Heart of Stone'. What should you advise? Is exercise safe?; Br J Sports Med; 2020 Mar 5

Lechner K, von Schacky C, McKenzie AL, Worm N, Nixdorff U, Lechner B, Kränkel N, Halle M, Krauss RM, Scherr J.; Lifestyle factors and high-risk atherosclerosis: Pathways and mechanisms beyond traditional risk factors; Eur J Prev Cardiol; 2020 Mar

Maffiuletti NA, Bizzini M, Sutter R, Pfirrmann CW, Naal FD, Leunig M, Casartelli NC.; Hip muscle strength asymmetries and their associations with hip morphology and symptoms are sex-specific in patients with femoroacetabular impingement syndrome; Phys Ther Sport; 2020 Jan 21

Mascarenhas VV, Castro MO, Rego PA, Sutter R, Sconfienza LM, Kassarjian A, Schmaranzer F, Ayeni OR, Dietrich TJ, Robinson P, Weber MA, Beaulé PE, Dienst M, Jans L, Lalam R, Karantanas AH, Sudoł-Szopińska I, Anderson S, Noebauer-Huhmann I, Vanhoenacker FM, Dantas P, Marin-Peña O, Collado D, Tey-Pons M, Schmaranzer E, Llopis E, Padron M, Kramer J, Zingg PO, De Maeseneer M, Afonso PD.; The Lisbon Agreement on Femoroacetabular Impingement Imaging-part 1: overview; Eur Radiol; 2020 Oct 30

Mascarenhas VV, Castro MO, Rego PA, Sutter R, Sconfienza LM, Kassarjian A, Schmaranzer F, Ayeni OR, Dietrich TJ, Robinson P, Weber MA, Beaulé PE, Dienst M, Jans L, Lalam R, Karantanas AH, Sudoł-Szopińska I, Anderson S, Noebauer-Huhmann I, Vanhoenacker FM, Dantas P, Marin-Peña O, Collado D, Tey-Pons M, Schmaranzer E, Llopis E, Padron M, Kramer J, Zingg PO, De Maeseneer M, Afonso PD.; Correction to: The Lisbon Agreement on Femoroacetabular Impingement Imaging-part 1; J Orthop Surg Res; 2020 Nov 17

Maxwell N, Redhead L, Verhagen E, Spörri J ; "Ski racers’ understanding of sports-related concussion and its management: are contemporary findings and clinical recommendations reaching the target audience, the racers themselves"; Br J Sports Med; 2020 Mar 26

Mazumdar A, Urdinez J, Boro A, Arlt MJE, Egli FE, Niederöst B, Jaeger PK, Moschini G, Muff R, Fuchs B, Snedeker JG, Gvozdenovic A.; Exploring the Role of Osteosarcoma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles in Pre-Metastatic Niche Formation and Metastasis in the 143-B Xenograft Mouse Osteosarcoma Model; Cancers; 2020 Nov 20

Mazumdar A, Urdinez J, Boro A, Migliavacca J, Arlt MJE, Muff R, Fuchs B, Snedeker JG, Gvozdenovic A.; Osteosarcoma-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Induce Lung Fibroblast Reprogramming; Int J Mol Sci; 2020 Jul 30

Müller D, Stutz Y, Vlachopoulos L, Farshad M, Fürnstahl P; The Accuracy of Three-Dimensional Planned Bone Tumor Resection Using Patient-Specific Instrument; Cancer Manag Res; 2020 Jul 29

Nagy L; 3D analysis and computer assisted reconstruction for scaphoid non-union; Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir; 2020 Sep

Niederseer D, Rossi VA, Kissel C, Scherr J, Caselli S, Tanner FC, Bohm P, Schmied C.; Role of echocardiography in screening and evaluation of athletes; Heart; 2020 Nov 17

Niehaus R, Zingg PO, Luttenberger M, Dora C. ; Hip arthroscopy versus total hip arthroplasty in patients above 40 differences; Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol; 2020 May 4

Ostler D, Seibold M, Fuchtmann J, Samm N, Feussner H, Wilhelm D, Navab N; Acoustic signal analysis of instrument–tissue interaction for minimally invasive interventions; International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery; 2020 May

Parigoris E, Dunkelmann DL, Murphy A, Wili N, Kaech A, Dumrese C, Jimenez-Rojo N, Silvan U.; Facile generation of giant unilamellar vesicles using polyacrylamide gels; Sci Rep; 2020 Mar

Passaplan Caroline, Beeler Silvan, Bouaicha Samy, Wieser Karl; Arthroscopic Management of a Coracoid Fracture Associated With Acromioclavicular Dislocation; Arthrosc Tech ; 2020 Nov 20

Pastor T, Fröhlich S, Spörri J, Schreiber T, Schweizer A; Cartilage abnormalities and osteophytes in the fingers of elite sport climbers: An ultrasonography-based cross-sectional study; Eur J Sport Sci; 2020 Mar

Peterhans L, Fröhlich S, Stern C, Frey W.O, Farshad M, Sutter R, Spörri J; High Rates of Overuse-Related Structural Abnormalities in the Lumbar Spine of Youth Competitive Alpine Skiers: A Cross-sectional MRI Study in 108 Athletes ; Orthop J Sports Med; 2020 May 29

Pham TT, Wetzel O, Gariani K, Kressmann B, Jornayvaz FR, Lipsky BA, Uçkay I; Is Routine Measurement of the Serum C-Reactive Protein Level Helpful During Antibiotic Therapy for Diabetic Foot Infection? ; Diabetes Obes Metab; 2020 Oct 7

Plate A, Weichselbaumer V, Schüpbach R, Fucentese SF, Berli M, Hüllner M, Achermann Y.Plate A, et al; Diagnostic accuracy of 99mTc-antigranulocyte SPECT/CT in patients with osteomyelitis and orthopaedic device-related infections: A retrospective analysis; Int J Infect Dis; 2020 Feb

Pochon L, Peterson CK, Sutter R, Del Grande F, Ulbrich EJ, Pfirrmann CW.; Hip MRI findings and outcomes following imaging-guided hip injections; Br J Radiol.; 2020 Jan 8

Preiss H, Kriechling P, Montrasio G, Huber T, Janssen I, Moldovan A, Lipsky B.A, Uçkay I; Oral Flucloxacillin for Treating Osteomyelitis; J Bone Jt Infect; 2020 Jan 1

Rahm S, Jud L, Jungwirth-Weinberger A, Tondelli T, Falkowski AL, Sutter R, Zingg PO; Mid-term results after in situ pinning and hiparthroscopy for mild slipped capital femoral epiphysis; J Child Orthop; 2020 Dec 1

Reissner L, Politikou O, Fischer G, Calcagni M; In-vivo three-dimensional motion analysis of the wrist during dart-throwing motion after midcarpal fusion and radioscapholunate fusion; J Hand Surg Eur ; 2020 Jun

Rigling D, Zingg PO, Dora C; Subtrochanteric rotational osteotomy for young adults with hip pain due to femoral maltorsion; Hip Int; 2020 Aug 4

Roeh A, Bunse T, Lembeck M, Handrack M, Pross B, Schoenfeld J, Keeser D, Ertl-Wagner B, Pogarell O, Halle M, Falkai P, Hasan A, Scherr  J ; Running effects on cognition and plasticity (ReCaP): study protocol of a longitudinal examination of multimodal adaptations of marathon running; Res Sports Med; 2020 Apr

Roeh A, Engel RR, Lembeck M, Pross B, Papazova I, Schoenfeld J, Halle M, Falkai P, Scherr J, Hasan A.; Personality Traits in Marathon Runners and Sedentary Controls With MMPI-2-RF; Front Psychol; 2020 May 28

Roeh A, Lembeck M, Papazova I, Pross B, Hansbauer M, Schoenfeld J, Haller B, Halle M, Falkai P, Scherr, J, Hassan A; Marathon running improves mood and negative affect; J Psychiatr Res; 2020 Nov

Roner S, Fürnstahl P, Scheibler AG, Sutter R, Nagy L, Carrillo F; Three-Dimensional Automated Assessment of the Distal Radioulnar Joint Morphology According to Sigmoid Notch Surface Orientation; J Hand Surg Am; 2020 Nov

Roner S, Schweizer A, Da Silva Y, Carrillo F, Nagy L, Fürnstahl P; Accuracy and Early Clinical Outcome After 3-Dimensional Correction of Distal Radius Intra-Articular Malunions Using Patient-Specific Instruments; J Hand Surg Am; 2020 Oct

Rotter G, Schollbach L, Binting S, Dornquast C, Scherr J, Pfab F, Brinkhaus B.; Use of Complementary Medicine in Competitive Sports: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study; Complement Med Res; 2020 Nov 4

Sarto F, Impellizzeri FM, Spörri J, Porcelli S, Olmo J, Requena B, Suarez-Arrones L, Arundale A, Bilsborough J, Buchheit M, Clubb J, Coutts A, Nabhan D, Torres-Ronda L, Mendez-Villanueva A, Mujika I, Maffiuletti NA, Franchi MV; Impact of Potential Physiological Changes due to COVID-19 Home Confinement on Athlete Health Protection in Elite Sports: a Call for Awareness in Sports Programming; Sports Med; 2020 Aug

Schader JF, Haid M, Cecil A, Schoenfeld J, Halle M, Pfeufer A, Prehn C, Adamski J, Nieman DC, Scherr J.; Metabolite Shifts Induced by Marathon Race Competition Differ between Athletes Based on Level of Fitness and Performance; Metabolites; 2020 Mar 1

Schenk Pascal, Aichmaier Alexander, Beeler Silvan, Ernstbrunner Lukas, Meyer Dominik C, Gerber Christian; Acromial Fractures Following Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Cohort Controlled Analysis; Orthopedics; 2020 Jan 1

Schindler MJ, Schoenfeld J, Halle M, Scherr J.; Mid-diastolic tricuspid regurgitation: a novel echocardiographic marker for an athlete's heart?; Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging; 2020 Jul 1

Schoeb T, Peterhans L, Fröhlich S, Frey W, Gerber C, Spörri J ; Health Problems in Youth Competitive Alpine Skiing; Scand J Med Sci Sports ; 2020 Jun 5

Schoenenberger AD, Tempfer H, Lehner C, Egloff J, Mauracher M, Bird A, Widmer J, Maniura-Weber K, Fucentese SF, Traweger A, Silvan U, Snedeker JG.; Macromechanics and polycaprolactone fiber organization drive macrophage polarization and regulate inflammatory activation of tendon in vitro and in vivo; Biomaterials ; 2020 Apr 11

Schoenfeld J, Haller B, Weichenberger M, Lorenz ES, Grabs V, Halle M, Scherr J.; Prolonged and strenuous exercise does not influence serum relaxin levels in healthy male athletes; Eur J Prev Cardiol; 2020 Feb 5

Schoenfeld J, Schindler MJ, Haller B, Holdenrieder S, Nieman DC, Halle M, La Gerche A, Scherr J.; Prospective long-term follow-up analysis of the cardiovascular system in marathon runners: study design of the Pro-MagIC study; BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med; 2020 Jul 25

Schöni M, Waibel F, Bauer D, Götschi T, Böni T, Berli M; Long‑term results after internal partial forefoot amputation (resection): a retrospective analysis; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg; 2020 Apr 7

Sendi P, Kaempfen A, Uçkay I, Meier R; "Bone and joint infections of the hand"; Clin Microbiol Infect; 2020 Jul

Singh S, Andronic O, Kaiser P, Jud L, Nagy L, Schweizer A; Recent advances in the surgical treatment of malunions in hand and forearm using three-dimensional planning and patient-specific instruments; Hand Surg Rehabil; 2020 Jun 13

Stauber T, Blache U, Snedeker JG.; Tendon tissue microdamage and the limits of intrinsic repair; Matrix Biol; 2020 Jan

Stern C, Bouaicha S, Del Grande F, Sutter R; Postoperative MR Imaging in Shoulder Instability and Intra articular Damage; Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am; 2020 May

Stern C, Galley J, Froehlich S, Peterhans L, Spoerri J, Sutter R  ; Distal Femoral Cortical Irregularity at Knee MRI: Increased Prevalence in Youth Competitive Alpine Skiers ; Radiology; 2020 Aug

Supej M, Spörri J, Holmberg HC; Methodological and Practical Considerations Associated with Assessment of Alpine Skiing Performance Using Global Navigation Satellite Systems; Front Sports Act Living; 2020 Jan 22

Tondelli T, Götschi T, Camenzind RS, Snedeker JG.; Assessing the effects of intratendinous genipin injections: Mechanical augmentation and spatial distribution in an ex vivo degenerative tendon model; PLoS One; 2020 April 15

Tscholl PM, Wanivenhaus F, Centmaier-Molnar V, Camenzind RS, Fucentese SF; Clinical and radiological results after one hundred fifteen MPFL reconstructions with or without tibial tubercle transfer in patients with recurrent patellar dislocation-a mean follow-up of 5.4 years; Int Orthop; 2020 Feb

Uçkay I, Gjika E.; Less antibiotics but no inferior effect for bacterial arthritis; Ann Rheum Dis; 2020 Nov

Uçkay I, Gonzalez A, Gjika E.; Is it currently reasonable to offer short 14-day antibiotic therapies after a surgical synovectomy in native joint septic arthritis?; Ann Rheum Dis; 2020 Nov

Uçkay I, Imhof B, Kressmann B, Lew D, Lipsky BA, Sidibe A.; Characterization of Proangiogenic Monocytes From Blood in Patients With Chronic Ischemic Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Controls; Stem Cells Dev; 2020 May 18

Uçkay I, Vakalopoulos K, Gjika E; Short duration antibiotic therapy for native joint arthritis cause by Neisseria infection?; Ann Rheum Dis; 2020 Sep 28

Ulrich NH, Burgstaller JM, Gravestock I, Winklhofer S, Porchet F, Pichierri G, Wertli MM, Steurer J, Farshad M, LSOS Study Group; The influence of endplate (Modic) changes on clinical outcomes in lumbar spinal stenosis surgery: a Swiss prospective multicenter cohort study; Eur Spine J; 2020 Mar 10

Ulrich NH, Gravestock I, Winklhofer S, Peyneshki I, Wertli MM, Pichierri G, Fekete TF, Porchet F, Farshad M, Steurer J, Burgstaller J, LSOS Study Group.J; Two year outcome comparison of decompression in fourten lipomatosis cases with 169 degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis cases; Eur Spine J; 2020 May 14

Unterfrauner I, Grubhofer F, Meyer D  ; Intraoperative Estimation of the Popeye Sign by Electrical Stimulation of the Musculocutaneous Nerve Following Shoulder Biceps Tenotomy; Arthrosc Tech ; 2020 Apr 10

Urdinez J, Boro A, Mazumdar A, Arlt MJ, Muff R, Botter SM, Bode-Lesniewska B, Fuchs B, Snedeker JG, Gvozdenovic A.; The miR-143/145 Cluster, a Novel Diagnostic Biomarker in Chondrosarcoma, Acts as a Tumor Suppressor and Directly Inhibits Fascin-1; J Bone Miner Res; 2020 June

van Vijven M, Wunderli SL, Ito K, Snedeker JG, Foolen J.; Serum deprivation limits loss and promotes recovery of tenogenic phenotype in tendon cell culture systems; J Orthop Res; 2020 Jun 1

Viehöfer AF, Casari F, Waibel FWA, Beeler S, Imhoff FB, Wirth SH, Ackermann J; Smoking Is Associated with Anterior Ankle Impingement After Isolated Autologous Matrix-Induced Chondrogenesis for Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus; Cartilage ; 2020 Sep 17

Viehöfer AF, Wirth SH, Zimmermann SM, Jaberg L, Dennler C, Fürnstahl P, Farshad M; Augmented reality guided osteotomy in hallux Valgus correction ; BMC Musculoskelet Disord; 2020 Jun 17

von Atzigen M, Liebmann F, Hoch A, Bauer DE, Snedeker JG, Farshad M, Fürnstahl P ; HoloYolo: A proof of concept study for marker less surgical navigation of spinal rod implants with augmented reality and on device machine learning; Int J Med Robot ; 2020 Oct 19

von Korn P, Keating S, Mueller S, Haller B, Kraenkel N, Dinges S, Duvinage A, Scherr J, Wisløff U, Tjønna AE, Halle M, Lechner K.; The Effect of Exercise Intensity and Volume on Metabolic Phenotype in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome; Metab Syndr Relat Disord; 2020 Nov 24

Waibel F, Berli M, Catanzaro S, Sairanen K, Schöni M, Böni T, Burkhard J, Holy D, Huber T, Bertram M, Läubli K, Frustaci D, Rosskopf A, Botter S, Uçkay I.; Optimization of the antibiotic management of diabetic foot infections: protocol for two randomized controlled trials; Trials; 2020 Jan 8

Waibel FWA, Berli MC, Gratwohl V, Sairanen K, Kaiser D, Shin L, Armstrong DG, Schöni M; Midterm Fate of the Contralateral Foot in Charcot Arthropathy ; Foot Ankle Int; 2020 Oct

Waibel FWA, Berndt K, Jentzsch T, Farei-Campagna J , Rahm S, Dora C, Zingg PO; "Symptomatic leg length discrepancy after total hip arthroplasty is associated with new onset of lower back pain"; Orthop Traumatol Surg Res; 2020 Dec 11

Weigelt L, Laux C, Urbanschitz L, Espinosa N, Klammer G, Götschi T, Wirth S; Long-term Prognosis After Successful Nonoperative Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus; Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine; 2020 Jun 2

Weigelt L, Plate A, Stadler L, Sutter R, Frustaci D, Zbinden R, Zingg P, Gerber C, Achermann Y; Alpha-defensin lateral flow test does not appear to be useful in predicting shoulder periprosthetic joint infections; Int Orthop; 2020 Jun

Widmer J, Cornaz F, Scheibler G, Spirig J, Snedeker J, Farshad M; Biomechanical Contribution of Spinal Structures to Stability of the Lumbar Spine - Novel Biomechanical Insights; Spine J ; 2020 Oct

Widmer J, Fasser MR, Croci E, Spirig J, Snedeker JG, Farshad M; "Individualized prediction of pedicle screw fixation strength with a finite element model strength with a finite element model"; Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin; 2020 Mar

Wieser K, Ernstbrunner L, Zumstein M; "Surgical Management of Massive Irreparable Cuff Tears: Latissimus Dorsi Transfer for Posterosuperior Tears"; Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med; 2020 Jul 13

Wieser K, Waltenspül M, Ernstbrunner L, Ammann E, Nieuwland A, Eid K, Gerber C; Nonoperative Treatment of Anterior Glenoid Rim Fractures After First-Time Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation; JBJS open Access; 2020 Dec 23

Wirth SH, Viehöfer AF, Tondelli T, Hartmann R, Berli MC, Böni T, Waibel FWA; "Mid‑term walking ability after Charcot foot reconstruction using the Ilizarov ring fixator"; Arch Orthop Trauma Surg; 2020 Dec

Wunderli SL, Blache U, Beretta Piccoli A, Niederöst B, Holenstein CN, Passini FS, Silván U, Bundgaard L, Auf dem Keller U, Snedeker JG.; Tendon response to matrix unloading is determined by the patho-physiological niche; Matrix Biol; 2020 Jul

Wunderli SL, Blache U, Snedeker JG.; Tendon explant models for physiologically relevant in vitro study of tissue biology; Connect Tissue Res; 2020 Jan 13

Zhang C, Götschi T, Li X, Snedeker JG, Fucentese SF.; Biomechanical comparison of the use of different surgical suture techniques for continuous loop tendon grafts preparation; Sci Rep; 2020 Jan 17

Zubler V, Mühlemann M, Sutter R, Götschi T, Müller DA, Dietrich TJ, Pfirrmann CW.; Diagnostic utility of perilesional muscle edema in myositis ossificans; Skeletal Radiol; 2020 Jan 7

Bücher und Buchkapitel

Aguirre J, Kalimeris K, Rupnik B; Intralipid to limit secondary effects of high blocks or prolonged block duration? (Tips and Tricks from the expert for regional anesthesia practice); Update on Regional Anesthesia and Pain management. In J. De Andrés (editor). Vol XXII. Barcelona. Editorial MRA; 2020 Oct

Aguirre J, Rupnik B, Kalimeris K; I want the expert's opinion: Analgesia after rib fractures. ; Update on Regional Anesthesia and Pain management. In J. De Andrés (editor). Vol XXII. Barcelona. Editorial MRA; 2020; 2020 Oct

Aguirre J, Rupnik B, Kalimeris K; Optimization of spinal block in the ambulatory setting (Tips and Tricks from the expert for regional anesthesia practice); Update on Regional Anesthesia and Pain management. In J. De Andrés (editor). Vol XXII. Barcelona. Editorial MRA; 2020; 2020 Oct

Ansorge A, Selman F, Uçkay I; Management of Acute Native Joint Bacterial Arthritis in Adults in 2020 - A Short Narrative, Practical State-of-the-Art Review; Acta Scientific Orthopaedics; 2020 Dec 29

Imhoff FB, Bauer DE, Uçkay I; Native Joint Arthritis in Adults; Bone and Joint Infections; 2020 Okt 13

Kassarjian A, Fritz LB, Afonso PD, Alcala-Galiano A, Ereno MJ, Grainger A, Llopis E, McNally E, Schueller-Weidekamm C, Sutter R In: Kramer J, Karantanas A. ; Guidelines for MR Imaging of Sports Injuries. In: Kramer J, Karantanas A. (Eds.) MRI of the Knee; Breitenseher Publisher ; 2020

Scherr JC, Scherr BF; Kardiozirkulatorische Notfälle; Repetitorium Notfallmedizin; Springer 2020 Jan 01

Waibel FWA, Jochum B, Uçkay I; Chronic Osteomyelitis in Adults; Bone and Joint Infections; 2020 Nov 16


Cornaz; Frédéric; Spectoscopic characterization of tissue and liquids during arthroscopic radio-frequency ablation; Prof. Dr. med. Farshad Mazda; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Gautschi; Martina; Chronic Ankle Instability – A less invasive approach for lateral ankle ligament reconstruction and its impact on ankle stability compared to the free gracilis lateral ligament reconstruction usind 2 bone tunnels in the fibula; Prof. Dr. med. Farshad Mazda; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Meisterhans; Michel; Posterior and inferior glenosphere position in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty supports deltoid efficiency for shoulder flexion and elevation; Prof. Dr. med. Farshad Mazda; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Müller; Fabio; Augmented reality navigation for spinal pedicle screw instrumentation using intraoperative 3D imaging ; Prof. Dr. med. Farshad Mazda; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020


Peterhans; Loris; MRI findings in the thoraco-lumbar spine of youth competitive alpine skiers: A cross-sectional observation; Prof. Dr. med. Farshad Mazda; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020


Abegg; Daniel; Evaluation of Computertomographic and Magnetic Resonance Image Registration Methodologies for Three-Dimensional Preoperative Planning of Forearm Surgeries; Prof. Dr. Fürnstahl Philipp; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Aman M.; Aman; Development on a Surgical Holographic Navigation System using Microsoft HoloLens; Prof. Dr. Pollefeys Marc; ETH Zürich; Departement Informatik; 2020

Boesch; Marco Thomas; Os acromiale in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a case control study; PD Dr. med. Wieser Karl; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Casutt; Selina; Muscle activation patterns during jump landings in youth competitive alpine skiers; Prof. Dr. Spengler Christina; ETH Zürich; Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie;; 2020

De Nard; Bianca; Long-term Results of the Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability in Patients Older than 40 Years – A Comparison with the open Latarjet Procedure; PD Dr. med. Bouaicha Samy; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Graf; Gwendolyn; Phrenic nerve sparing blocks for shoulder surgery: a review of the literature; Prof. Dr. med. Eichenberger Urs; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Hanimann; Jonas; Application of shear wave elastography on tendon – reliability and acute effects of loading; PD Dr. de Bruin Eling; ETH Zürich; Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie;; 2020

Hein; Jonas; Deep Learning Methods for Tool-in-Hand Tracking; Prof. Dr. Pollefeys Marc; ETH Zürich; Departement Informatik; 2020

Helbling; Moritz; Injury risks among top elite competitive alpine skiers are underestimated if not registered prospectively, over the entire season and regardless of whether requiring medical attention; Prof. Dr. med. Fucentese Sandro; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Huser; Simon; Application of quantitative ultrasound and three-dimensional shear-wave elastography to detect tendon adaptation and damage; Prof. Dr. Snedeker Jess; ETH Zürich; Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie;; 2020

Joshy; Jethin; Veränderungen des Muskelvolumens nach arthroskopischer Reparatur der gerissenen Sehne des Supraspinatus Muskels; PD Dr. med. Wieser Karl; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Meyer; Yann; Die Vorhersagekraft einer präoperativen intraartikulären Hüftinfiltration auf das Ergebnis nach Implantation einer Hüfttotalprothese; PD Dr. med. Zingg Patrick; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Mohajeri; Minou S; Early recognition of an ischemic stroke during shoulder surgery in the beach chair position due to cerebral oxygenation monitoring: a case report and review of the literature.; Prof. Dr. med. Eichenberger Urs; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Suter; Simon; Digitalization of the IOM: A comprehensive cadaveric study for obtaining three-dimensional models and morphological properties of the forearm's interosseous membrane; Prof. Dr. Fürnstahl Philipp; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Walde; Melissa Sunila; Comparsion of Treatment Outcomes in Lumbar Disc Herniation Patients Treated with Epidural Steroid Injections: Interlaminar versus Transforaminal Approach; PD Dr. med. Sutter Reto; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Wieland; Matthias; Deep Reinforcement Learning for 3D Surgery Planning of Femoral Head Reduction Osteotomy; Prof. Dr. Pollefeys Marc; ETH Zürich; Departement Informatik; 2020

Balgrist Campus: Forschung, Entwicklung und Lehre für Spitzenmedizin am Bewegungsapparat.

Zentrum für Paraplegie

Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Anderson CE, Birkhäuser V, Stalder SA, Bachmann LM, Curt A, Jordan X, Leitner L, Liechti MD, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, van der Lely S, Kessler TM, Brinkhof MWG.; Optimizing clinical trial design using prospective cohort study data: a case study in neuro-urology.; Spinal Cord.

Azzarito M, Kyathanahally SP, Balbastre Y, Seif M, Blaiotta C, Callaghan MF, Ashburner J, Freund P.; Simultaneous voxel-wise analysis of brain and spinal cord morphometry and microstructure within the SPM framework.; Hum Brain Mapp.

Azzarito M, Seif M, Kyathanahally S, Curt A, Freund P.; Tracking the neurodegenerative gradient after spinal cord injury.; Neuroimage Clin

Bannwart M, Bayer SL, König Ignasiak N, Bolliger M, Rauter G, Easthope CA; Mediolateral damping of an overhead body weight support system assists stability during treadmill walking.; J Neuroeng Rehabil.

Birkhäuser V, Liechti MD, Anderson CE, Bachmann LM, Baumann S, Baumberger M, Birder LA, Botter SM, Büeler S, Cruz CD, David G, Freund P, Friedl S, Gross O, Hund-Georgiadis M, Husmann K, Jordan X, Koschorke M, Leitner L, Luca E, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Mohammadzada F, Monastyrskaya K, Pfender N, Pohl D, Sadri H, Sartori AM, Schubert M, Sprengel K, Stalder SA, Stoyanov J, Stress C, Tatu A, Tawadros C, van der Lely S, Wöllner J, Zubler V, Curt A, Pannek J, Brinkhof MWG, Kessler TM.; TASCI-transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in patients with acute spinal cord injury to prevent neurogenic detrusor overactivity: protocol for a nationwide, randomised, sham-controlled, double-blind clinical trial.; BMJ Open

Blasetti G, Pavese C, Maier DD, Weidner N, Rupp R, Abel R, Yorck BK, Jiri K, Curt A, Molinari M, Schubert M, Scivoletto G; Comparison of outcomes between people with and without central cord syndrome; Spinal Cord

Brouwers EMJR, Meent HV, Curt A, Maier DD, Abel RF, Weidner N, Rupp R, Kriz J, de Haan AFJ, Kramer; Recovery After Traumatic Thoracic- And Lumbar Spinal Cord Injury: The Neurological Level of Injury Matters; Spinal Cord.

Buri Muriel, Curt Armin, Steeves John, Hothorn Torsten; Baseline-adjusted proportional odds models for the quantification of treatment effects in trials with ordinal sum score outcomes; BMC Med Res Methodol

Buzzell A, Camargos KC, Chamberlain JD, Eriks-Hoogland I, Hug K, Jordan X, Schubert M, Brinkhof MWG; Self-reports of treatment for secondary health conditions: results from a longitudinal community survey in spinal cord injury.; Spinal Cord.

Buzzell A, Chamberlain JD, Schubert M, Mueller G, Berlowitz DJ, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI study group.; Perceived sleep problems after spinal cord injury: Results from a community-based survey in Switzerland.; J Spinal Cord Med

Buzzell A, Chamberlain JD, Eriks-Hoogland I, Jordan X, Schubert M, Zwahlen M, Brinkhof MWG.; Etiology-specific variation in survival following non-traumatic spinal cord injury: a causal inference approach using data from a population-based cohort.; Spinal Cord.

Caldelari P, Lemon R, Dietz V.; Differential neural coordination of bilateral hand and finger movements.; Physiol Rep

Curt A, Hsieh J, Schubert M, Hupp M, Friedl S, Freund P, Huber E, Pfyffer D, Sutter R, Jutzeler C, Wüthrich RP, Min K, Casha S, Fehlings MG, Guzman R.; The Damaged Spinal Cord Is a Suitable Target for Stem Cell Transplantation.; Neurorehabil Neural Repair

Dietz V.; Neural coordination of bilateral power and precision finger movements.; Eur J Neurosci.

Filli L, Schwegler S, Meyer C, Killeen T, Easthope CS, Broicher SD, Curt A, Zörner B, Bolliger M, Jung HH, Petersen JA.; Characterizing cognitive-motor impairments in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1.; Neuromuscul Disord

Fischer T, Stern C, Freund P, Schubert M, Sutter R.; Wallerian degeneration in cervical spinal cord tracts is commonly seen in routine T2-weighted MRI after traumatic spinal cord injury and is associated with impairment in a retrospective study.; Eur Radiol.

Fromme NP, Camenzind M, Riener R, Rossi RM.; Design of a lightweight passive orthosis for tremor suppression.; J Neuroeng Rehabil.

Gammie A, Kessler TM.; Half the message is just mess: judging the value of urodynamics based on partial or poor quality results.; BJU Int.

Georgarakis AM, Sonar HA, Rinderknecht MD, Popp WL, Duarte JE, Lambercy O, Paik J, Martin BJ, Riener R, Klamroth-Marganska V.; Age-Dependent Asymmetry of Wrist Position Sense Is Not Influenced by Stochastic Tactile Stimulation.; Front Hum Neurosci.

Grimmer M, Riener R, Walsh CJ, Seyfarth A.; Correction to: Mobility related physical and functional losses due to aging and disease - a motivation for lower limb exoskeletons.; J Neuroeng Rehabil.

Haufe FL, Schmidt K, Duarte JE, Wolf P, Riener R, Xiloyannis M.; Activity-based training with the Myosuit: a safety and feasibility study across diverse gait disorders.; J Neuroeng Rehabil.

Hecker A, Aguirre J, Eichenberger U, Rosner J, Schubert M, Sutter R, Wieser K, Bouaicha S.; Deltoid muscle contribution to shoulder flexion and abduction strength - An experimental approach.; J Shoulder Elbow Surg

Huber E, Patel R, Hupp M, Weiskopf N, Chakravarty MM, Freund P; Extrapyramidal plasticity predicts recovery after spinal cord injury.; Sci Rep

Hubli M, Zemp R, Albisser U, Camenzind F, Leonova O, Curt A, Taylor WR.; Feedback improves compliance of pressure relief activities in wheelchair users with spinal cord injury; Spinal Cord.

Huynh V, Rosner J, Curt A, Kollias S, Hubli M, Michels L.; Disentangling the Effects of Spinal Cord Injury and Related Neuropathic Pain on Supraspinal Neuroplasticity: A Systematic Review on Neuroimaging.; Front Neurol

Just F, Özen Ö, Tortora S, Klamroth-Marganska V, Riener R, Rauter G; Human arm weight compensation in rehabilitation robotics: efficacy of three distinct methods; J Neuroeng Rehabil.

Jutzeler CR, Linde LD, Rosner J, Hubli M, Curt A, Kramer JLK.; Single-trial averaging improves the physiological interpretation of contact heat evoked potentials.; Neuroimage

Kessler TM; Neuro-Urology, Quo Vadis?; Eur Urol FocusKessler TM; Guidelines on urinary incontinence: it is time to join forces!; BJU Int.

Köchli S, Scharfenberger T, Dietz V.; Coordination of bilateral synchronous and asynchronous hand movements.; Neurosci Lett.

Leitner L, Ujmajuridze A, Chanishvili N, Goderdzishvili M, Chkonia I, Rigvava S, Chkhotua A, Changashvili G, McCallin S, Schneider MP, Liechti MD, Mehnert U, Bachmann LM, Sybesma W, Kessler TM.; Intravesical bacteriophages for treating urinary tract infections in patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate: a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial.; Lancet Infect Dis

Leutritz T, Seif M, Helms G, Samson RS, Curt A, Freund P, Weiskopf N.; Multiparameter mapping of relaxation (R1, R2*), proton density and magnetization transfer saturation at 3 T: A multicenter dual-vendor reproducibility and repeatability study.; Hum Brain Mapp

Linde LD, Haefeli J, Jutzeler CR, Rosner J, McDougall J, Curt A, Kramer JLK.; Contact Heat Evoked Potentials Are Responsive to Peripheral Sensitization: Requisite Stimulation Parameters; Front Hum Neurosci.

Liu LJW, Rosner J, Cragg JJ.; Journal Club: High-dose methylprednisolone for acute traumatic spinal cord injury: A meta-analysis.; Neurology


Martin Ginis KA, Úbeda-Colomer J, Alrashidi AA, Nightingale TE, Au JS, Currie KD, Hubli M, Krassioukov A.; Construct validation of the leisure time physical activity questionnaire for people with SCI (LTPAQ-SCI).; Spinal Cord.

Meyer C, Filli L, Stalder SA, Awai Easthope C, Killeen T, von Tscharner V, Curt A, Zörner B, Bolliger M.; Targeted walking in incomplete spinal cord injury: Role of corticospinal control."; J Neurotrauma

Meyer C, Hofstoetter US, Hubli M, Hassani RH, Rinaldo C, Curt A, Bolliger M.; Immediate Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulation on Motor Function in Chronic, Sensorimotor Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury.; J Clin Med.

Novak D, Riener R.; Sensor Fusion in Assistive and Rehabilitation Robotics; Sensors (Basel)

Pfyffer D, Wyss PO, Huber E, Curt A, Henning A, Freund P.; Metabolites of neuroinflammation relate to neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury; Neurology

Pfyffer D, Vallotton K, Curt A, Freund P.; Predictive Value of Midsagittal Tissue Bridges on Functional Recovery After Spinal Cord Injury.; Neurorehabil Neural Repair

Pfyffer D, Vallotton K, Curt A, Freund P.; Tissue bridges predict neuropathic pain emergence after spinal cord injury.; J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry

Scheuren PS, Rosner J, Curt A, Hubli M; Pain-autonomic interaction: a surrogate marker of central sensitization ; Eur J Pain

Scivoletto G, Torre M, Mammone A, Maier DD, Weidner N, Schubert M, Rupp R, Abel R, Yorck-Bernhard K, Jiri K, Curt A, Molinari M.; Acute Traumatic and Ischemic Spinal Cord Injuries Have a Comparable Course of Recovery; Neurorehabil Neural Repair

Seiler A, Blum D, Hertler C, Schettle M, Zipser CM, Bode L, Gehrke S, Ernst J, Schubert M, von Känel R, Boettger S.; Death in delirious palliative-care patients occurs irrespective of age: A prospective, observational cohort study of 229 delirious palliative-care patients.; Palliat Support Care

Sirucek L, Jutzeler CR, Rosner J, Schweinhardt P, Curt A, Kramer JLK, Hubli M.; The Effect of Conditioned Pain Modulation on Tonic Heat Pain Assessed Using Participant-Controlled Temperature.; Pain Med

van der Lely S, Kessler TM, Mehnert U, Liechti MD.; Scalp Topography of Lower Urinary Tract Sensory Evoked Potentials.; Brain Topogr.

van Sluijs RM, Rondei QJ, Schluep D, Jäger L, Riener R, Achermann P, Wilhelm E.; Effect of Rocking Movements on Afternoon Sleep; Front Neurosci.

van Sluijs R, Wilhelm E, Rondei Q, Omlin X, Crivelli F, Straumann D, Jäger L, Riener R, Achermann P.; Gentle rocking movements during sleep in the elderly.; J Sleep Res

Weller D, Filli L, Meyer C, Lörincz L, Linnebank M, Weller M, Curt A, Zörner B.; Impaired speed-dependent modulation of the gait pattern in multiple sclerosis; J Neurol.

Werner C, Schneider S, Gassert R, Curt A, Demko L.; Complementing Clinical Gait Assessments of Spinal Cord Injured Individuals using Wearable Movement Sensors.; Annu Int Conf IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc

Zipser CM, Knoepfel S, Hayoz P, Schubert M, Ernst J, von Känel R, Boettger S; Clinical management of delirium: The response depends on the subtypes. An observational cohort study in 602 patients; Palliat Support Care

Zipser CM, Pfender N, Spirig JM, Betz M, Aguirre J, Hupp M, Farshad M, Curt A, Schubert M.; Study protocol for an observational study of cerebrospinal fluid pressure in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy undergoing surgical deCOMPression of the spinal CORD: the COMP-CORD study.; BMJ Open


Azzarito Michela; Microstructural-changes assessment in vivo using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).; Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Freund Patrick; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Just Fabian; Fusing conventional and robotic rehabilitation therapy.; Prof. Dr. Riener Robert; ETH Zürich; Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie; 2020

Meyer Christian; Effects of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation on residual voluntary motor control, standing, and overground walking in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury and GaitPortfolio: A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation of kinematic and electromyographic parameters in health and neurological disease under varying locomotor conditions.; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Sartori Andrea; Neurogenic Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction in Severe Spinal Cord Injured Rats.; Prof. Dr. med. Kessler Thomas; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Thomas Felix; Current Project: Effect of unilateral ischemia of the hand on the task-specific neural coupling during cooperative hand movements. / General Thesis: Relevance of neural coupling in cooperative hand movements and their application in neurorehabilitation.; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020


Barzyk Philipp; Facial representation in the human primary somatosensory cortex.; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Grossmann Daria; Investigation of sensorimotor information flow and integration – behavioural validation and pilot data from simultaneous brain and spinal cord fMRI; Prof. Dr. med. Dr. rer. nat. Freund Patrick; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Jenal Flurina; Two- and Six-Minute Walk Test: Walking Assessment in Individuals with Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury.; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Leu Chiara; Reliability of Experimental Pain Habituation and The Effect of Distraction.; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Sommer Nicolas; Neural Coordination of Combined Bilateral Finger-Hand and Finger-Finger Movements.; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020

Stojanovic Dragana; Psychophysical and Test-Retest Characterization of the Thermal Grill Illusion using a Participant-Controlled Temperature Matching Paradigm.; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020


Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten

Archibald J, MacMillan EL, Enzler A, Jutzeler CR, Schweinhardt P, Kramer J; Excitatory and inhibitory responses in the brain to experimental pain: A systematic review of MR spectroscopy studies; Neuroimage; 2020 Jul 15;215:116794

Becker S, Fuchs X, Schakib-Ektaban K, Schweiker M; What does it mean “it hurts”? Subgroups holding different conceptions of rating scales evaluate experimental pain differently; European Journal of Pain; 2020 Mar;24(3):625-638.

Becker S, Löffler M, Seymour B; Reward enhances pain discrimination in humans; Psychological Science; 2020 Sep;31(9):1191-1199

Ceko M, Fragnos E, Gracely J, Richards E, Wang B, Schweinhardt P, Bushnell MC; Dependence of changes of the default mode network in fibromyalgia patients on current clinical pain; Neuroimage; 2020 Aug 1;216:116877

Florin E, Koschmieder KC, Schnitzler A, Becker S; Recovery of impaired endogenous pain modulation by dopaminergic medication in Parkinson’s disease; Movement Disorders; 2020 Dec;35(12):2338-2343

Frangos E, Ceko M, Wang B, Richards EA, Gracely JL, Colloca L, Schweinhardt P, Bushnell MC; Neural effects of placebo analgesia in fibromyalgia patients and healthy individuals; PAIN; 2020 Sep 10.

Gandi W, Pomares FB, Naso L, Asenjo JF, Schweinhardt P; Neuropathic pain after thoracotomy: tracking signs and symptoms before and at monthly intervals following surgery; European Journal of Pain; 2020 Aug;24(7):1269-1289.

Gränicher P, Stöggl T, Fucentese S, Adelsberger R, Swanenburg J.; Preoperative exercise in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty: a pilot randomized controlled trial; Archives of Physiotherapy; 2020 Aug 5;10:13

Hima L, Patel MN, Kannan T, Gour S, Pratap UP, Priyanka HP, Vasantharekha R, ThyagaRajan S; Age-associated decline in neural, endocrine, and immune responses in men and women: Involvement of intracellular signaling pathways.; Journal of Neuroimmunology; 2020 Aug 15;345:577290

Kawchuk G, Hartvigsen J, Harsted S, Nim CG, Nyirö L.; Misinformation about spinal manipulation and boosting immunity: an analysis of Twitter activity during the COVID-19 crisis; Chiropractic & Manual Therapies; 2020 Jun 9;28(1):34

Ke C, Persaud S, Singh K, Ostrow B, Lebovic G, Hincapié CA, Lowe J; Interaction between sex and rurality on the prevalence of diabetes in Guyana: a nationally representative study; BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care; 2020 July 22

Keller P, von Känel R, Hincapié CA, da Costa BR, Jüni P, Erlanger TE, Andina N, Niederhauser C, Lämmle B, Fontana S; The effects of intravenous iron supplementation on fatigue and general health in non-anaemic blood donors with iron deficiency: a randomised placebo-controlled superiority trial; Scientific Reports; 2020;10:14219

Knecht C, Hartnack S, Sick B, Riner F, Schweinhardt P, Wirth B ; A prospective observational study on trajectories and prognostic factors of mid back pain; BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders ; 2020 Aug 17;21(1):554.

Knechtle D, Schmid, Suter M, Riner F, Moschini G, Senteler M, Schweinhardt P, Meier ML; Fear avoidance beliefs are associated with reduced lumbar spine flexion during object lifting in pain-free adults; PAIN;  2020 Dec 11

Löffler M, Gamroth C, Becker S*, Flor H*, *contributed equally; Chronic Pain as a Neglected Core Symptom in Mitochondrial Diseases; Neurology; 94(8):357-359

Mouraux A, Bannister K, Becker S, Finn DP, Pickering G, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Graven-Nielsen T ; Challenges and opportunities in translational pain research – an opinion paper of the working group on translational pain research of the European Pain Federation (EFIC).; European Journal of Pain ; in press

Reichenbach S, Felson DT, Hincapié CA, Heldner S, Bütikofer L, Lenz A, da Costa BR, Bonel HR, Jones RK, Hawker GA, Jüni P; Effect of biomechanical footwear on knee pain in people with knee osteoarthritis: the BIOTOK randomized clinical trial; JAMA Network; 323(18):1802-1812

Schweiker M, Abdul‐Zahra A, Afonso de André M, Al‐Atrash F, Al‐ Khatri H, Risky Alprianti R, Alsaad H, Amin R, Ampatzi E, Arsano AY, Azadeh M, Azar E, Bahareh B, Batagarawa A, Becker S, Buonocore C, Cao B, Choi J-H, Chun C, Daanen H, Damiati SA, Daniel L, De Vecchi R, Dhaka S, Domínguez‐Amarillo S, Dudkiewicz E, Edappilly LP, Fernández‐Agüera J, Folkerts M, Frijns A, Gaona G, Garg V, Gauthier S, Jabbari SG, Harimi D, Hellwig RT, Huebner GM, Jin Q, Jowkar M, Kania R, Kim J, King N, Boris Kingma B, Koerniawan MD, Kolarik J, Kumar S, Kwok A, Lamberts R, Laska M, Lee MJC, Lee Y, Lindermayr V, Mahaki M, Marcel‐Okafor U, Marín‐Restrepo L, Marquardsen A, Martellotta F, Mathur J, McGill G, Mino‐ Rodriguez I, Mou D, Moujalled B, Nakajima M, Ng E, Okafor M, Olweny M, Ouyang W, Papst de Abreu AL, Pérez‐Fargallo A, Rajapaksha I, Ramos G, Rashid S, Reinhart CF, Rivera MI, Salmanzadeh M, Schakib‐Ekbatan K, Schiavon S, Shooshtarian S, Shukuya M, Soebarto V, Suhendri S, Tahsildoost M, Tartarini F, Teli D, Tewari P, Thapa S, Trebilcock M, Trojan J, Tukur RB, Voelker C, Yam Y, Yang L, Zapata‐Lancaster G, Zhai Y, Zhu Y, Zomorodian Z; The Scales Project, a cross-national dataset on the interpretation of thermal comfort scales; Scientific Data; 6(289):1-10

Simonet E, Winteler B, Frangi J, Suter M, Meier ML, Eichelberger P, Baur H, Schmid S.; Walking and running with non-specific chronic low back pain: What about the lumbar lordosis angle?; Journal of Biomechanics; 108

Sirucek L, Jutzeler CR, Rosner J, Schweinhardt P, Curt A, Kramer JLK, Hubli M; The effect of conditioned pain modulation on tonic heat pain assessed using participant-controlled temperature; Pain Medicine; 2020 Mar 16

Swanenburg J, Büchli F, Straumann D, Weber KP, de Bruin E.; Exergaming with Integrated Head Turn Tasks Improves Compensatory Saccade Pattern in Some Patients with Chronic Peripheral Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction.; Frontiers in Neurology; 11:601.

Swanenburg J, Langenfeld A, Easthope C.A, Meier M.L, Ullrich O, Schweinhardt P.; Microgravity and Hypergravity Induced by Parabolic Flight Differently Affect Lumbar Spinal Stiffness; Frontiers in Physiology; 2020 Sep 2;11:562557



Schweiker M, Schakib-Ekbatan K, Fuchs X, Becker S; A seasonal approach to Alliesthesia. Is there a conflict with thermal adaptation?; Energy and Buildings;  212: 109745

Sirucek L; Commentary on „Paper Somatotopically Specific Primary Somatosensory Connectivity to Salience and Default Mode Networks Encodes Clinical Pain”; Pain Research Forum; 06.11.2019

Sirucek L, Schweinhardt P; „Der Zusammenhang von zentraler Sensibilisierung und Rückenschmerzen“; Bericht 'Wissenschaft und Innovation' Universitätsklinik Balgrist; 2018/2019

Wirth B, Sirucek L, Tauschek L, Schweinhardt P.;  Dem Rätsel chronischer Kreuzschmerzen auf der Spur? ; Rücken und Gesundheit ; 2020



Gassner Antonia; Responsiveness of the German Version of the Neck Disability Index: a prospective cohort study with a seven-week follow-up; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020


Graf Nadia; The effect of pain duration on chiropractic treatment outcomes in chronic neck pain patients: a cohort study; Prof. Dr. med. Curt Armin; Universität Zürich; Med. Fakultät; 2020


Hafftner Stefanie; Pain modulation– experimental assessments using different modalities; Prof. Spengler Christina ; ETH Zürich; Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie; 2020


Knechtle Deborah; Exploring psychomotor interactions: Is there an association between perceived harmfulness for the back during daily activities and spinal motion?  A 3D kinematic analysis in pain-free adults; Prof. de Bruin Eling; ETH Zürich; Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie; 2020